Captain K'nuckles

Associating skaters with hipsterism? That's gonna go over well.

@mrgibblechip: Yeah, neither of the Android ones on the Market right now are particularly great in my opinion. The thing that makes the Mario wallpaper special is that it's not just a loop of a single level - it's randomly generated.

Live wallpaper. Android. Now.

Hahaha. How'd this one happen?

Hahaha. How'd this one happen?

Ideally, Rock Band 3 should be the end. They're giving you instruments, near-exact replicas, and they'll teach you what makes music tick. And they'll have taught you how play enough music to inspire you to switch over to the real thing and, hopefully, fill this world with even more melody. If that's not enough for

Ideally, Rock Band 3 should be the end. They're giving you instruments, near-exact replicas, and they'll teach you what makes music tick. And they'll have taught you how play enough music to inspire you to switch over to the real thing and, hopefully, fill this world with even more melody. If that's not enough for

@funakoshi.gichin.shotokan: You know, I feel like some company has a current model of shoe that rips off the old LA Lights. I can't think of them right now though. LA Gear themselves has reissued the brand, but they don't seem to actually light up... which is pretty fail.

Finally. I'm sick of those kids lording their awesome skate shoes over me. Kids don't beat me, I beat kids!

Call me cynical, but I don't see your average consumer giving enough of a fuck about this for so-called "ethical consumerism" to ever be anything other than a leftist wet dream. It'd be wonderful if we could collectively band around a cause as worthy as this and finally give globalization a bit of good PR, but I can't

I hope they keep improving the actual music player too. It's definitely gotten better as the platform has matured, but only because it couldn't possibly get any worse.

Despite the fact that I'm inclined to believe this as a distinct possibility, I have no idea why people keep taking Eldar seriously. I've yet to see him actually predict anything that wasn't already making the rounds, and in some cases he's been absolutely, positively wrong. (As in when he suggested that the Nexus One

Considering how many of these correspondences we routinely see, I'm a little surprised that we don't hear cries of "fake!" more often. It's certainly not as though he hasn't appeared curt in public before.

@Xeno: Oh, I figured Google had probably bought California by now. That's sorta surprising.

@Geraldo Rivera's Mustache: Married how? Prop 8 repealed gay marriage in California. So does this solely apply to couples who were grandfathered in before the abolition?

I'd far rather see the tax be repealed. Seems to me it'd be far too easy to feign homosexuality.

" a grainy photo on the internet more or less safe than having your child running about in full public view without any clothes on?"

C0uld've put that money into the Courier.

It's somewhat sad that he figured this out so late in the game. I temper myself on the internet all the time, and I'm not even remotely famous. You have to account for the asshats. You just do.