Captain K'nuckles

Still not a substitute for accomplished songwriting. Buyer beware.

I still haven't seen how the iPad (or any of the mobile, smartphone OSes) are necessarily conducive to long-form gaming. But, that's not Nintendo's game anymore. They've obviously staked their claim toward quick hit titles that can be picked up and put down with a minimum of fuss. So, Kato might be onto something here.

Outsold by the PS2. Jesus. Christ. Give me power of attorney and I'LL pull the plug.

I love SMB2. I really wish we could get over this whole bias concerning the title's lineage.

Minor correction of Hayter's opinion of the Tomb Raider franchise's appeal:

"Eat your lunch"? Don't you mean "Drink your milkshake"?

@spider-ham: Sometimes I feel like Sonic fans are the lowest of the low. Sega just keeps shitting all over our love.

@spider-ham: Which I'm totally fine with. Except, I expected something a bit more substantial after reading a couple "wow, that looks awesome" quotes.

I suppose it's a small consolation that he was about to be released anyway, but, all things being equal, I'd rather not know about these leaks if people are going to be so sloppy in risking their jobs to push them out. It's not that big of a deal.

Surely that :24 second clip wasn't supposed to be the first trailer?

@EthnicX: The parry system, for me, is the key.

@onetime: Haha. Yes, I forgot about that rack. Definitely nothing pre-puberty about those.

@onetime: How old are those kids again? 14 or so? Ok, maybe she's not prepubescent per se.

@Kellen Dunkelberger: Oh, I still do. But goddamn it if I don't get annoyed here and then seeing mediocre acts get praise simply because they're adopting a trendy sound.

@Fragarach: No, no. My head would be blown right off my shoulders. Not advisable.

@Kellen Dunkelberger: Me too. But I dislike what the chip "scene" is moving towards. It's a lot like indie that way, for me. It just makes me more jaded. And, god knows, I don't need any help in that department.

I wish they'd gotten the boys from the Runaway Five in this photo.

Oh god put some Stevie Wonder in there. Please put some Stevie Wonder in there.

@jsalari: It's in End of Evangelion. The very beginning, actually.