Captain K'nuckles

@Spydak: You'd certainly get no argument from me in that regard. And while SFIV is a fine fighter, I really did resent it for lacking the cerebral nature of something SFIII. That was a truly beautiful work of art.

Come now, Hideki. You're better than this.

Is this article just an excuse to discuss Blur? Hmmm... I guess those fonts are similar enough though? I guess?

What a surprise.

Maybe he should. I was a huge fan of the Courier concept and was very excited to hear that J Allard was behind the device. It had an enormous amount of potential. It would've diversified Microsoft portfolio and re-introduced them to a segment of the buying populace (artists and creative designers) that has largely

@Deaf Mute: Terribly ironic that a poster by the name of Deaf Mute seems to be the only one capable of listening around here

I don't tell you how to write your suggestive content so please don't tell me how to raise my (future) children. I fully intend to allow my children to experience things of this nature should they prove interested. The trick is to guide them through the process with sensitivity and nuance. See what I did there? To be

@matt2011: Does the immense weight of your cynicism ever prohibit you from flying American Airlines?

To hell with the 3D, I'm stoked about the jetpacks.

I'd like to see a proper break down of costs, but I won't hold my breath. I'm very interested in knowing how much of this budget was alloted to advertising. I'd expect somewhere around 30-40 million alone for the two aforementioned Rockstar titles. I don't believe the same could be said of Shenmue. Yu Suzuki was just

@DooDooSmellsWorse: For what it's worth, that's hardly a phenomenon exclusive to the Far East. A similar composite could be made for America 'Back Then' and 'Today'. If I were a sociologist, I might have something more to say on the matter, but I don't and I just want some damn coffee.

So Square's going to replace influential Japanese figures with characters from their backcatalog of franchises?

If this can actually be used as a real learning tool (like a no fooling, six stringer) then I'll be interested. Other than that, I'm pretty much burned out on these band games. But then again, that happened well before RB2. There's a certain frustration inherent in learning how to play music slowly and pedantically in

@TacoBomber: I wouldn't mind seeing a new Destruction Derby, even though it'd probably be an average game at best. Same with Jet Moto, come to think of it.

"Forcing many employees to miss church."

@TacoBomber: Generally speaking, as long as there are at least 5 exclusive titles worth owning on a console, I'll buy it. The Saturn can easily muster up that much. Burning Rangers comes to mind. As does the original Grandia.

@Acore: Certainly. I wouldn't debate whether or not the homogeneity was inevitable, but it's a lamentable state of affairs nevertheless.

I will never tire of watching that EVO clip. I say it every time it gets linked, and even though I consider the possibility, I know it'll know lose its brilliance.