Captain K'nuckles

I don't know, I kinda miss the days of exclusives. As someone who grew up during an earlier era when consoles were dramatically different from one another, collecting them seems a must. I'm sure my parents probably wished that I'd have chosen a slightly less expensive industry to collect from, though.

I'm much more concerned with whether or not the development team intends to introduce some actual innovation into the gameplay. Twilight Princess was a wonderful game - and it has some of my favorite boss battles of all time, bar none - but it felt far too familiar at times.

Holy shit. I think I'm in love.

Jake Gyllenhaal's got some serious fans writing around these parts, methinks :)

The other very important point they neglect to mention:

@RedRaptor: Not possible. We've all seen the image. That impasse too is far mighty to be defeated.

The Charlie Brown one made me laugh my ass off.

@Rolyatkcinmai: Even Kevin Costner wouldn't be stupid enough to pull the trigger on that one. There are no words.

@Matthew Green: Goes for, or is listed at? There's a big difference?

@Salen: Spread Fire would've made your head explode. You might try showing a little gratitude.

My God. This was pure delight.

New Space Harrier, please.

Oh shit. Oh shit. OH SHIT.