Captain K'nuckles

Oh, Mortal Kombat III. Such wonderful memories of playing this into the wee hours on my SNES back when I was a kid. Love it.

Stunning. Each and every one of them.

@twinturbo2: Those faces still freak me out a bit too much to buy it. It's a rental.

Welp. See you in August, Wii.

I'm not sure why they're so pissy about it. I found this so amusing that I actually bought Downfall. And I'm glad I did - it's a magnificent film. (Even if the ending is a bit dishonest.)

Sounds like the composer of this soundtrack is a fairly large Holst fan to me.

I guess he's never heard of chatroulette?

@Madpotator: I don't remember his name either, but I recall liking him a fair amount in D&P. I call him Poison frog.

I know that they don't particularly care for the label, but I would've like to see some Copeland here. (RIP, by the way)

@Bologna: That, is a plus. Paying $25 to express silly cynicism towards a phenomenon that won't exist in a couple years, however, is a minus.

$25? What the fuck is this made of? For this kind of money, those sweat shop workers better be having lobster for dinner.

Oh grow up, Mikami. It is ALWAYS preferable to have more freedom than less in art. Have the discipline the impose your own limitations rather than concede to the dictates of expectation.

Ha, I have a Toshiba Satellite too. A model with HD-DVD even! I'm only half ashamed to mention the latter fact because I bought it second hand last spring, far, far after the format had been decided.

@Witzbold: Oh okay. My fears have been allayed. Thanks guys :)

What's with those huge cheater swords?

@TheDeadTexan: Nice. Always good to meet another Stars of the Lid/The Dead Texan fan. It's also nice to meet another Texan, but that's not entirely uncommon. It's a big fucking place.

@Ichigo Style: It's so damn close that even I, a veritable amateur, can be awed how brilliant the fighting system is. It was a labor of love through and through. Honestly, an HD remix of it would be more than enough to please me.

@SlateSoda: For what it's worth, I don't recall Sonic Team really losing steam until after Sega became a third party developer. I know that's a rather lame and cliche statement to make, but their ludography bears it out. And even then, it looks as though the US branch is responsible for the most questionable releases.

Wow. I'm terribly surprised by the amount of love given to Billy Hatcher compared to Shenmue in these comments. Not to slag off Billy Hatcher of course - I never actually played it.