Captain K'nuckles

@TheDeadTexan: Fair enough. I just flat out didn't enjoy KOF XII. Of course, some of that had to do with the fact that I was still bitter that SNK had the courage to carry on the 2D fighter torch when Capcom was making hulked up 3D abominations. Can I please have a successor to Street Fighter III, Capcom?

You know, this actually isn't a bad premise for a video game. I'd play it.

Masuda's Pokemon soundtracks are always the highlight of the series in my opinion, even when the titles themselves are subpar (Ruby and Sapphire come to mind).

@dd528: I, on the other hand, really, really loathed the Killer 7 control scheme. We shall see.

Indeed, we played the games because they very marvelous gaming experiences. I can still play Super Metroid today and enjoy it more than I would a large swath of contemporary titles. Just because a 2D Metroid might be a commercial failure doesn't mean that there's anything necessarily wrong with that mode of gameplay.

@Witzbold: Wish they wouldn't have co-opted the Xeno prefix to drum up excitement for it though. It's not even remotely related to the franchise. That's still a touchy subject for me.

@Erwin: Twister is a horrible flying cow.

This game is absurdly beautiful.

@PixellatedViscera: What? Who complains about the price of XBL anymore? What made you assume that my reasons had anything to do with price ha?

@Captain K'nuckles: Also, since when is this an android game? I don't remember reading that in the write up last week. Just XBLA, as I recall.

@Sedako: The problem for me is that I don't have, or plan on purchasing, an Android handset. I don't plan on purchasing an iPhone either, but the fact that the iPod touch shares an OS with that device means that I can enjoy the benefits without the inflated cost of having a data heavy handset.

Seems interesting, but I'm still not smitten with it yet. Of course, why would I be? I haven't played it.

This is just good business.

@TRT-X: Definitely. I loved playing that song.

@MattyMattMatt: Ha, I've actually already started earmarking funds for the Courier. I've been fawning over it since the first rumblings seeped out last year.

This is beautiful, but I still can't see myself paying for an iPad. If and when the prices are slashed, maybe. But even then, my interest will stem from my admitted gadgetphilia, not from anything specific Apple has done to differentiate this hardware.

@BallPtPenTheif: I'm a hardcore gamer, and I'm still quite squeamish. I can't watch films like Saw or Hostel because I find them so disgusting. I believe one of the Hostel films has a kid killing scene? Complete, nauseating garbage.