Captain K'nuckles

Thank God they didn't give T. Hawk the SFIV standard Hulkanized character revision. He was large enough as is. Besides, I don't know if the current crop of consoles would've been able to handle that many muscles. We're a generation or two away from being able to throw that many polygons around on screen.

@Koda89: I definitely agree with the Silent Hill 2 adoration, and it's an excellent example of presenting a stellar narrative through visual language. Video game developers seem so preoccupied with emulating the language of cinema, but so few of them appear capable of grasping the intricate nature of that language.

Fair enough. But, the industry, at large specializes in NES level storytelling. Don't let the fancy cinematic displays fool you into thinking otherwise.

Considering the year and the site that I'm on, it's somewhat of an insult to tell me to go play Symphony of the Night. Been there, done that. And, for what it's worth, the total packages are hardly the same in my opinion.

Over-saturated? Definitely. Paralyzed by a lack of innovation and worthwhile experimentation? Possibly. Unnecessarily focused upon mimicking a sterile, big money chasing Western industry predicated on churning out "blockbuster" after blockbuster? Probably.

The "Big Beautiful Bosses" section of this review makes me pine for a new, 2D Metroid all the more fervently. As fantastic as the original Metroid Prime was, there will always be a sprite sized gap in my heart where the true successor to Super Metroid should be.

Is there a custom of nepotism present within Japanese business etiquette that remains unreported in Western media? It feels like Sony's gaming division is being spearheaded by the idiot relatives of the people running the other, successful branches of the company.

@Cartman86: I'm curious - what would you prefer instead?

@Zhris: A preliminary question might be why on Earth you would even think something like that, but this would miss the point. The real question, my friends, is why I said the same thing to myself moments ago. Does it vibrate though? That's the clincher.

@GnatB: Yes, you have missed something - a relatively robust online portion. That's where all the negative criticism for the title seems to stem from, actually. However, the two modes are independent.

Heavy Rain at 50%? That can't be right. Or rather, I hope like hell that it's not.

Yikes. It's beginning to look like the PSPgo is well on its way to being Sega CD'd.

Plenty of good albums on the Rock Band store.

Is this actually news? I'm quite certain that I've been seeing this World War II iteration for upward of two weeks on adult swim. So much so that I'm tired of seeing it, in fact.

@BK Beezy: I agree that it's not a particularly difficult series, even when accounting for the competitive, EV-conscious scene. Exceedingly fun though.

Contra players: "My dick. Look at how big it is. Look how it grows by beating each torturously designed level. Aren't I the greatest?"

Surely you don't think that GTA can live on forevermore through DLC, Mr. Zelnick? I'm more than fine with waiting for GTA V (especially since I can derive whatever GTA related pleasures that I need through playing Vice City and San Andreas), but there's no need to appear so bitter regarding a simple question. I

An RPG propelled forward by nothing more than a loose collective of side quests? Shenume 3 confirmed!