Captain K'nuckles

Despite all the bashing that Carmack has and will inevitably take for his droll, literal response, I think his perspective is just as important as Kojima's. It's a means to the ultimate end of sublime immersion.


Whether or not this individual listing is fake, this is truly the worst kept secret in recent memory. This annoucement will surprise no one.

This is so much closer to selling me on picking up a Wii than anything else releasing this year that it's not even funny. The visuals are astoundingly charming.

"S Kill" as a nickname? No thanks.

I suppose they have to update the guitars with each iteration lest the numerical upgrade appear even more incremental than it actually is, but couldn't we get something interesting here? Fender and Gibson aren't the only dogs in town, you know. PRS? Heritage? Carvin? The possibilities are numerous and varied.


Don't advertise Blinx without an accompanying confirmation of the new hotness. Now I'm all rigid with no payoff.

What a shame. I was enamored of this game for much of the lead up to its release, but the considerable amount of backlash scared me off of playing it. I'm interested in hearing what feedback these changes elicit, though. It's not too late to woo me, Funcom.

Funny that I've down the same thing numerous times.

@MellowJade: Not if you're planning on doing graduate studies. Every year I can pay for classes without having to leverage my financial future is a successful one in my opinion.

This game has gotten progressively less interesting since being announced. Generally not a good thing.

Where the hell is his arm hair?


That's quite cute, but, for that particular price point, a nice meal should slide out alongside the controls.

At the risk of being redundant: