Captain K'nuckles

Ha, Pit Fighter. My grandfather actually bought me a copy of that game when I was a child instead of what I actually asked for - Super Street Fighter II Turbo. Epic fail.

Yeah, that'd be quite cool. Or perhaps the Fog version of RE4 from E3 2002.

This is the quality that we could've been seeing from the PSP about 12 months ago if it hadn't become such a no-man's land. I'm quite excited by this renaissance of sorts, even if I don't believe Sony will be able to sustain the effort for a prolonged period of time.

LedRush: We're all waiting for a legitimate heir to the Phantasy Star throne, but there's no need to slag off PS0. It's actually quite good, you see.

I just can't imagine this being worthy of the Bionic Commando name. I'm sorry, but I can't. I want to believe.

@b-radicate: I've played and burned out on Morrowind more times than I can count, and, if I still had my Xbox, I'd probably happily do so once more. The San Andreas / Oblivion comparison is an apt one, I believe. Which is why I no longer own the sequels to either of the titles in question. I suppose it was unfair to

@walkyourpath: Zombie Brett Favre, coming to a Minnesota Vikings near you!

I won't fight this rumor too much since it seems like a total no-brainer for Nintendo. I can't fathom playing another Pikmin game on standard controllers when there are two superior means of reinvigorating the franchise in both the Wii and the DS.

@litrock: You know what - I might actually have to pick that up. Finally. I've been meaning to get into it for ages.

@ulotrichous: One new song? One!? Someone dropped the ball here.

@excel_excel: Damn, I think I'm too late to the wit party.

@xAnarChisTx: I don't know whether "Rusty Cage" was the best thing to happen to Road Rash or vice versa. Beautiful.

The only possible way I could support something like this is if we were able to build our own stages. I won't hold my breath.

Please let the "OD" in "OD Beat Drop" stand for "Old Dirty". Let's go God. Clock back in.

Yeah, some more polish can't hurt. Stalin's mustache doesn't look quite *right* to me.

Games as art.

Is this a particularly good Armored Core game? Does such a thing exist? I haven't actually touched the series since the PS1 era.

Oh yeah, this is some responsible journalism.

What a lovely feature. I'm actually quite excited to try feature this out.