Captain K'nuckles

You know, it'd be nice if Sega didn't ruin the considerable good will and accolades that they received from the Shining Force fanbase in the wake of Shining Force Feather with another poorly conceived title. Of course, this is merely a precautionary warning. I suppose this could be good. Somehow.

Putting all childish bickering aside, I will say that I found Year Zero to be Trent's most "innovative" album since The Downward Spiral. Make of this what you will.

That was the weirdest, most boring thing I've ever seen in my life.

Never played Vice City? What a fucking moron.

I don't want to know anything about this until it appears on shelves (virtual or otherwise) on this particular side of the shoreline. It just hurts too much.

I'm a little uncertain as to how someone could've avoided falling for Uncharted 2's charms as well, but I've heard of crazier things. Did you know that you can actually get pizza with cheese baked right into the crust? Nuts!

This game is bringing the sexy back. And then forward. And then, once again, sideways.

Oh wait, Sci Fi actually DID change the spelling? I thought that was a joke. What's the deal with that? The phrase "Get the Fuck Out" comes to mind.

One more difference:

Due out in 2010, expect it in 2011.

One would think that it wouldn't take too much effort to "sex up" a game titled "Spelunker".

I know I shouldn't quibble about the small things, but I'll be a little annoyed if this manages to hit XBLA before Outrun Online Arcade does.

Lord, I'd bone those shoes. Why tease me with something I can never have?

Damn, I thought that said "Berator". I was hoping for some sort of Elite Beat Agents inspired DS title where the object was to shout the most scathing insults at your target via the microphone. Could've even gotten a 360/PS3 port if it proved successful.

Finally, the whore of science has proven itself useful to modern man.

I'll admit that I still weep intermittently for Spore; Ah, what could have been. I suppose it, like all other messiahs, are most effectively realized in theory rather than practice.

@TysonMink: Actually, this would kick ass.

@Jaysunli: It's Capcom. Don't be so naive.

Code Veronica? How about the other, better, Claire Redfield game? You know, Resident Evil 2? Can we get a decent remake of that, Capcom? That, as the kids are saying, would be excelsior.