Captain K'nuckles

@Extortioner: SWG had a prime? Outsiders like myself would've never known it from the copious amount of bitching that every little nugget of news that stems from this game elicits.

It seems to me that the best course of action for this title would've been a Guitar Hero compilation of sorts, a title that sampled the best songs from each iteration in the series thus far and concocted a uber-awesome Frankenguitarhero. Of course, licensing issues being what they are, this may not be neither feasible

@CaffeineKnight: No, but I know that I won't really have the proper amount of time to dedicate towards it until this weekend. I'm definitely looking forward to it though.

Yes. Gimme. Now.

@BlueWizard422: Yeah, we did. That's what happens when you're a middle child.

I'd be down for a new iteration in the Battletoads franchise. Learn from Golden Axe's mistakes, Rare. Harness the awesome power of co-op.

Oh, Jake. I love you too much to avoid this film. How sad.

This is easily the largest smile that has ever been plastered on my face. I literally don't care what his crime is - this man deserves freedom.

@undefined: So... how long until we get the full version of this "beta" on Xbox Live Arcade for $10? I might be coaxed into purchasing it. If asked nicely, that is.

WOW those are uneventful. Maybe I'm just incredibly jaded, though.

@Glorax: Your shoes aren't? Weirdo.

@Ace11: Yes. Now let us never speak of it again.

Man, I could totally go for some Phantasy Star 0 this holiday season. I hope the localization process for that one is quick.


I've got a feeling that Bethesda could release an Elder Scrolls product whose environments are constructed principally of a steaming turd and the ass that produced it, and I'd STILL spend hours roaming the landscape with no particular goal in mind. There's something about slapping that name on a release that just gets

You know, I never had a Genesis, but my dad did and I played quite a bit of it whenever I paid him a visit. It was, and remains, a brilliant system. Hell, if it wasn't for the Genesis, the world might be without Gunstar Heroes. And I'll be damned if that's an iteration of this universe that I'm interested in occupying.