Captain K'nuckles

As I stare in awe of this game's unmitigated mediocrity, I'm reminded of a little saying that my grandmother once had when she was around:

Yeah, I totally dig the righteous anger. Either adapt or shut the fuck up and move alone.

The subtle (and not-so-subtle) differences between these two images are grounds for a protracted discourse, but I'll spare you all the drivel and get to the real heart of the matter:

@Meldy: Hell no, you're not. I'm still quite smitten with this game, though I'll admit that I don't harbor any resentment towards Molyneux for past overindulgences and fuckwittery. I let those things detract from my experience with the original Fable, but I won't get fooled again.

I've never understood the appeal of that series, but I suppose that I understand how this could be construed as a coup of sorts. Kinda.

Wait, what's the benefit of wiping the data accrued throughout the beta again? This isn't a traditional game, so it warrants a more cogent argument than simply opting to maintain the status quo.

Wow. Thanks for the blue balls, Kotaku.

Perhaps the suggestion that this is the Wii's answer to "Fantastic Contraption" would've been more accurate?

Good God... What an enormously ingenious feat of engineering. It's a shame that Media Molecule didn't have the creator of this level onboard during their last big media show. They'd have floored those of us who aren't already staggered by the potential of this tool.

Those animation are absolutely stunning. The masterful replication of weight and heft contribute to an amazingly organic visual display.

This is freaking terrible. I tried to enjoy it as kitsch, I tried to enjoy it as nostalgia, I tried to enjoy it as self-flagellation. Nothing took.

This is easily the first time that I've been for a Wii title since Super Mario Galaxy. I'm absolutely, positively on the bus for this one. Now comes the real challenge - finding a Wii of my own at a reasonable price.

Until we're able to replicate the visceral thrill of a nerf ball slamming into some unassuming kids face, shattering their glasses and dignity in on fell swoop, then you can count me out of this arms race.

Go ahead, put Pokemon Gold/Silver up on that DSi Channelm Nintendo. I dare you. Watch me foolishly give you my money for the fleeting pleasure of reliving an all-to-brief moment in my childhood. Let's see if you've got the balls.

James Marsters... as Piccolo? If he must be anything, why wouldn't he vegeta? If such a thing is possible, he could actually thrive in that role.

I hope they get the stitching on Chris' Lacoste pullover correct.

I'll say it again people: Wind Waker in HD. Sequel, port, whatever. Make that shit happen, Nintendo.

That IS disheartening, my friend. This one has had "sleeper hit" tattooed upon it since it's public unveiling over a year ago. I'm almost tempted to suggest that it's a shame that this title has been relegated solely to the PS3, but, in the hopes of avoiding a fanboy flame war, I'll elaborate no further than that.

Am I the only person who was thinking of Seinfeld the entire time they watched this video? The only thing missing was Faith decimating a lobster.