Captain K'nuckles

Master of the Lamps? What an awesome name for a game. I must play it.

For the record, I don't hate either of those figures. I find them interesting. Of course, Boll has unleased some of the most egregious crimes against humanity this side of the Horn of Africa, so maybe I should be a little less neutral towards him.

Look motherfucker, you can either have some money, or you can have none at all. It wouldn't pain me more to bury you rich than to bury you poor.

I'm very, very intrigued by this new Parasite Eve title. Play your cards right here, Square.

America itself is a threat to its value system, not this individual video game. Much is made of the Occidental struggle to reconcile religious dogma with the imposition of Western secularity, but we're suffering through precisely the same thing. These issues are far more complex than the media seems capable of

@Saxboy: It's probably been altered in the last day or so to reflect the rumored status of Tool's inclusion in GH, but at the current it reads that:

For all the misses on that list (and, by my count, there are quite a few indeed), there's some absolutely brilliant metal on there. Hard to believe that we could not only get three Tool songs, but that all three of them could be fantastic.


@Murderdolls: Hmmm, great question. I'd actually forgotten all about that game. Here's hoping we hear something soon - in the absence of a new Twisted Metal, Vigilante 8 will sate my carbloodlust.

@OMGitsDarkMatter: Yeah, I was rather taken aback by the backlash. Then again, I want to believe in Rare, so I was willing to suspend my inner critic for a bit until I attained a more solid grasp on the title.

@DrStrangepork: Well if you start saving now, you'll be able to afford it when it releases later this fall :)

Jesus. That was fucking riveting. If that manage to sustain that sort of intensity and immersion throughout the entire title, this could become one of the defining experiences of this generation of gaming.

Don't fret for Metallica, they'll be fine. Mediocre, but popular. They reached that sacred territory where a creation becomes a parody of itself though the fans of said creation watch glibly without a hint of irony. Besides, the world needs bands like Metallica. They make the presence of self-motivated, strongly

Why choose? I'll most certainly be getting both of them and letting my social life pay the price.

@Beyond-Infinity: Of course. How else could he whisper such sweet nothings in my ear?

Who can sleep when there's news to be read (Kotaku), music to be listened to ("The Seldom Seen Kid"), and food to be had (Taco Bell)? I'll be living vicariously through you people for a week, thank you.

He's right you know. Just ask Gunpei.

Wow, they got the Rolling Stones to guest star in this game? Swanky.

Alright, fine. Of course, the recent FF DS remakes have set the bar fairly high, so I'll expect something similar for this potential remake.

Don't fucking joke about this.