Captain K'nuckles

Are you kidding? This is like reading that the Beatles have gotten back together and starting a petition because Zombie John no longer sports a beard.

Wow. I don't like either of those at all. When faced with such mediocrity, I usually require alcohol. Regardless of the final decision, this game's pre-order bonus had better be a handle of Jack Daniels.

I've always preferred the maple fretboard Strats to their rosewood counterparts, so, aesthetically, this feels like a step back to me. Of course, the real problem with the Rock Band guitar was that insufferably mushy strum bar. If they fix that, my guitar could literally yell out "This guy molests children" every hour

I literally have a 9 year old magazine previewing this title and it STILL hasn't released. (Unless I'm mistaken, the OPM in question is from circa 1999) A little disgust seems in order. Release the damn game already.

That Platinum trophy resembles a Starman Junior closely enough to excite me beyond both belief and reason about this concept. Sign me up.

The velocity sensitivity pretty much cinches that I'll be picking up a set of these as a rudimentary midi controller at some point in the future.

I have to admit to a certain superficial fascination with this title - it's quite beautiful. Other than that, I can't actually say that I'll touch the title... unless it comes to the Wii. That, my friends, is what we in the business call "instant win".

I'll thank you to keep your fist away from my sensory barrier, AMD.

Exciting. Hopefully these plans will come to fruition - it feels like this return has been rumored several times this decade.