Inspector Spacetime

I took the wording to mean he’s already a father.


There’s almost no way she pulled $500K a year.

I, too, am more accepting of gay people than I am of white evangelicals.

I read a lot of news and subscribe to the NYT, the Washington Post, and a few smaller local papers. I enjoy the SKIMM in the morning with my coffee, and use it as a stepping point for a deeper dive later with the Times or the WA Post.

Kimsaprincess, Inc. sounds like an AOL email address that someone picked out as a kid and/or like one of those businesses that gets started by a very entrepreneurial 11-year-old and then gets picked up by Whole Foods.

I mean, to defend business leaders a bit, this is also not how you run a business.

I am 1000000000% here for couples getting divorced bc one partner supports Trump. He represents the worst of humanity so why would you want to be married to someone who supports that?

God, whenever someone says “I get my news from Facebook” I want to murder them. Facebook is not a news organization. If you follow CNN on Facebook and see their posts there, great, but that means you’re getting your news from CNN. When people say they get their news from Facebook it literally means they believe

My crush on Rob Lowe is still strong, and I will strenuously ignore the paranormal hogwash. That being said, don’t press it, Rob, because John Stamos is my backup crush and he’s not talking about ghosts.

That’s a great way to view something like this. I also had to dial down the news—I was upset all the time. I decided that I would stick to NPR. It is still totally serious, but they are generally so calm and measured.

I like it, flaws and all. It’s an easy read first thing in the morning to stay aware of what the current topics of the moment are. It’s certainly not my only news source. I get why others wouldn’t be in to it, but I’m having trouble not rolling my eyes at some of the other comments here spoken from their high horse. I

Honestly, I signed up for the Skimm a few months ago because the news has been taking a horrendous toll on my mental health lately. Sometimes their flippancy bothers me, but being able to just read the top stories of the day with a little less ... I don’t know, the super extra serious tone that some news outlets add

I’m a news junkie too, and I subscribe to the skim. I haven’t read it in months. However, I’m also not angry, and tend to believe people at first pass.

I have a similar experience with the Skimm and people I know who read it. One of the smartest, most well informed women I know first told me about it. The fact that it was one of the first news letters catering specifically towards women was really great! I also really enjoyed their election coverage during the

Yes, you want to complain and to make everything about you. We get that. We got that in November too.

Naah. Lindsay Graham is John McCain II. Talks a good game, but knuckles under and toes the line every single time.

and if you can’t like Tennant even more.

Jodie Whittaker would be able to play the first female Time Lord

I don’t know if ANYONE should look up to someone that gallivants around the space time continuum getting his companions killed, emotionally scarred, and /or converted into cybernetic beings against their will.