Inspector Spacetime

And so talented! I was incredibly lucky to see him in Hamilton and I literally gasped when he started Guns and Ships.

Saw this comment and then watched the trailer at work just to catch a glimpse of him. I’m a little obsessed...


Or Cocainine

Lizzo is a straight up goddess.

I totally get that, and I’m sorry you’re going through it. Do you have friends that could come over and keep you company? I think distractions are often useful.

Ha, that’s exactly how I feel. I’ve had a couple friends get married recently where I was helping them DIY a bunch of stuff and I was like, welp, don’t know if I’m allowed to get married, I don’t know how to do ANY of this stuff. How many people did you have there?

Guys, I’ve been so wedding crazy lately, I don’t know what is wrong with me. Since we don’t have I Thee Dread anymore (RIP), will you tell me all about your weddings? Where did you have them? What did you do? How much did it cost? How the hell does anyone pay for a wedding? How did you deal with the fact that you’re

I think space is probably good for both of you. I don’t doubt that you really love him, but also the way your brain reacts to the person you’re in a relationship with is literally like being addicted to a drug. You probably both need some time and space to be able to come back to some kind of friendship or

Speak for yourself, adulthood is awesome. Last weekend I got drink and ate a McChicken in bed and nobody could tell me not to.

I like how this one can really go either way! “Oh you had long summer vacations? That must have been so nice not to have to collect lentils to keep your 23 siblings from starving!” Or “You’re willing to turn down a raise? Must be nice, daddy warbucks!”

Getting rid of environmental regulations to save coal jobs is like getting rid of animal abuse laws to save the horse and buggy industry when cars were invented.

You can feel however you want about Kim Kardashian but the one with all the hashtags is a fan account that reposts the things she snapchats and her first wedding was a physically and emotionally abusive one when she was 19.

Yeah, my mom had three miscarriages before she had me. I’m in my mid-twenties and not ready for babies yet, but I definitely think very seriously about when I’d start trying.

I know nothing about him and can’t find anything about Amanda apparently following them to Europe, but in looking for stories about it, I did find out they were married for 8 years and dated another 8 years before that, which just made me sad.

I have never felt more uncomfortable while watching a video.

I can’t believe you redacted his statement that he’s going to beat Nixon for most Time covers. That is for sure going to happen.

Thank you! This is tied with the way Bret says “they’re all lined up to watch that movie, Maid in Manhattan” for my favorite line in that song/ever.

Thank you, that is all I could focus on! I live in LA and yes prices are generally ridiculous here, but $6 for a side of butter lettuce?!?!

I’m okay with a Josh-less Clueless comic book, but only because I’m not sure Paul Rudd’s cuteness could be accurately captured. That movie kicked off a lifelong crush. Also, somebody recently pointed out to me that Alexander Hamilton kind of looks like Paul Rudd and I realized I have a type. (Hipster moment: I loved