Inspector Spacetime

But I don’t know if it would be fair for Peele to be hosting AND winning all the awards? (I know the Oscars would never give best picture to a horror movie, but they should. Get Out is fucking amazing.)

I didn’t realize how much money my parents made/had until well into adulthood. They moved to the US for grad school with basically no money when I was six (at which point I had no idea we were poor and thought everybody got lunch and breakfast for free at school). Then my dad got a job and we moved and got a house,

Wait a second. Did I misread or did she also call herself a comedian in that article? Girl, no.

I really might. I told HR I was interested in being considered and my boyfriend’s on the job market this year, so if we can sync it up so we both get work there, this could really happen! I’m not from the US originally but I’ve been here since I was a kid so moving to a new country just seems like such a great

Buying a house was also on my fantasy list, but we also live in Los Angeles currently, so that’s definitely not happening! :P

Congrats!!!! I’m about 3 months away and I’m going a little crazy waiting for it. I keep thinking about all of the things I can do now that I won’t have student loans to worry about. My current fantasy is moving to Europe, where my company is opening some new offices later this year. Because I don’t have to worry

I literally came here to talk about how excited I am about my new kitchenaid (shoutout to Kinja deals, where I’ve been watching Kitchenaid prices for ages). I made some chocolate chip cookies tonight for a party but I want to know what everybody’s favorite bread recipes are and what else they use their kitchenaid for!

On the other hand, I wouldn’t recommend listening to either disc. I went in blind and some of the surprises of the first act absolutely blew me away. To be fair, I do listen to a decent amount of rap and I loved Alexander Hamilton even before the show, so I could follow along pretty well, but I have to say seeing and

She’s also fantastic in Room and Short Term 12. You may also know her as the woman at the oscars who stood in the aisle and hugged every single survivor of sexual assault from the Lady Gaga performance as they walked off the stage. Basically, she’s one of my favorite people.

also, clearly being the President doesn’t make you a good person, so....

Lol at Trump supporters saving up for their medical expenses. He’s not going to take insurance away from them, they’re real Americans. He’s just going to take it away from the Mexicans and the Muslims, DUHHHHH

Dear lord, I hope that’s shade, because if it is it is just beautiful.

That was the only magazine I was subscribed to as a kid (until they folded and my subscription got replaced with Teen Vogue) so I’m going to go with yes.

Hahahaha, such a flashback to my childhood!

Was it the poster where he’s like standing in a pool of water but also wearing jeans? I...may have also had a poster.

That would be the case if Trump were actually a billionaire, but until he releases his long-form tax returns I’m sticking to my theory that he’s a thousandaire whose only charitable contributions have been to organizations helping orange men get over their pee fetish.

Yeah, I’m about halfway down the expo line and people had to ride it down to Santa Monica just to turn around and be able to take it downtown. I ended up splitting an uber there for about $20/person and then taking the metro back.

I saw the dreamer one too! The LA march was incredible - I’ve never seen anything like it. Also, as a daily metro rider I have never felt more like an expert on something, haha.

I know pretty much nothing about these two, but after these clips I kind of love them.