Inspector Spacetime

I really enjoyed “we are four strong, committed women”

Nah, if you don’t like Facebook, I don’t think you can be a middle-aged person. All of my middle-aged family freaking LOVE Facebook.

All I can remember about it is how bored I was. And finishing it and just feeling like “I guess that’s it.”

Hahaha, now I’m listening to it as I read your comment!

Yes, and I obviously disagree with his interpretation of the constitution but I think he’d be less likely to let Trump turn into a straight-up fascist dictator than say...Trump’s sister.

I also recently discovered the Gilmore Guys! I’ve had a couple of months of really boring work so I’m halfway through season 4 right now. I wish I’d discovered it earlier so I could have gone to some of the live shows!

Also, not sure that whoever fills that seat will be better than Scalia - the man was a racist asshole, but he was also pretty pro-Constitution and at this rate Trump’s Supreme Court nominee will be somebody who has been trying to get rid of the court system.

Doesn’t only one parent need to be a US citizen for Americans born abroad?

It seems like very important work, but damn I couldn’t do it.

I’m not usually a big movie-goer but I kind of just want to take a day to see Moonlight, La La Land and Moana and just not leave the movie theater all day.

Maybe not, but they’re still people and so is Khloe Kardashian and the way people are talking about her in this thread is pretty gross.

Damn, guess I have to tell the boyfriend. He’ll be so disappointed, we were having such a good time!

I do not.

Hahahahaha, owning a home! Our cheap IKEA plates have served us just fine when we’be crowded a bunch of people into our 1-bedroom apartment that we rent for more than my parents’ mortgage on their 4-bedroom house.

No, I get it. Diamond companies artificially suppress supply just like how you should withhold affection in your relationship so that they know you really mean it when you do show affection.

Eh, I think we’re kind of fucked no matter what at this point. Even if somehow the electoral college decided to do their fucking job and make almost anybody but Trump president, we’d definitely have a civil war. It’d probably still be a better outcome than a Trump presidency, but seriously, we are in for a rough ride.

I think the most frustrating thing in this post-fact world is that people don’t seem to realize that WWIII hasn’t happened not because we’re suddenly in a peaceful world where it is inevitable that we don’t have world wars. It hasn’t happened because we’ve carefully put into place institutions to prevent world wars

Are Amy Klobuchar or Al Franken going anywhere?

My friend asked me the other day if I knew what her voice sounded like and I realize that despite seeing her a million times I don’t think I’d ever seen her talk.

Ugh, no, Marty is the OG Nice Guy and his arc in Season 7 is SO BAD. Paris + Rory 4eva though, and then Rory would finally have a career too because there’s no way Paris is putting up with any scrubs.