Inspector Spacetime

Yeah, my hopes for most of them are low, but I’m still holding out hope that if Trump does something blatantly evil enough before the vote we could get just enough of them to switch? The best part of that would be that afterwards the only thing the two parties could agree on would be abolishing the electoral college.

Can we mail articles like this to every elector from now until they vote? Like you’d think Trump would at least PRETEND he’s not just trying to use the presidency for his own financial gain before he’s officially elected. I mean, I know half of the electors are insane Trump supporters and the man is apparently Teflon,

Can we get a ruling? Putting Taylor Swift’s beach pic after everybody’s Standing Rock posts was shade, right?

Same, although my failure to make good on it so far has more to do with the fact that I was planning to move to Europe, where I have citizenship, but it now seems like we (by which I mean my Jewish/Arabic family) are screwed pretty much everywhere right now.

Thank you! I was scrolling through all the Jon Hamm comments trying to find something about this. I felt like I was taking crazy pills, like did nobody else notice that is NOT OK?!?

Oh no! Sorry for causing a shitshow!

I saw a Breitbart reporter in a Cubs hat the other day - I’m not the world’s biggest Cubs fan but I have a lot of family in Chicago and was happy to see them win the World Series. They don’t deserve that asshole.

Hahahahahahaha, I voted for Hillary in the primaries and showed up to caucus for her in 2008 even though I wasn’t old enough to vote. My comment was saying that if I was annoyed for somebody for non-political reasons, all of that annoyance went away if they voted for Hillary.

Haha, sure!

Not a typo, but could have been worded better. If somebody voted for Hillary, and I was annoyed with them (for unrelated reasons), I am no longer annoyed with them.

Ah, yeah, could have worded it better. What I mean is that if I was annoyed with somebody for reasons unrelated to politics, but then they voted for Hillary, I am no longer annoyed with them.

My freshmen year roommate who I thought hated me because she would always sigh passive aggressively about how I was up while she was trying to sleep and whom I haven’t talked to in 6 years FB messaged me about something I’d posted! I was SHOCKED!

Totally down with Trudeau voters

What? No, I’ve become a million times more forgiving of people who annoyed me previously because none of it matters to me anymore. What part of that did you think was a joke?

I’ve literally lost my annoyance for anyone that voted for Hillary. That co-worker I think is kind of an asshole but posted an article about how we can’t normalize Trump? We’re cool. That roommate my boyfriend had who used his OCD as an excuse to be a terrible person (bro, I get that you need to throw away anything

Hey, on the bright side, this election taught me that white men care a whole lot more about being able to smoke pot than about women or minorities. Maybe this will get them to actually care about how terrible he is.

I don’t think you understand how difficult it would be to pull a sample of 1800 Clinton supporters and 200 Trump supporters from a population of 48,000,200 Trump supporters and 1800 Clinton supporters. Like, if you’re even attempting any sort of randomization at all, almost no matter how imperfect, the probability of

This would be helpful if I didn’t live in California, and in a specific part of it, where the only choice for Senator or Representative was between two Democrats (because of the way our primary works).

It’s the equivalent of somebody telling you that if you flip two coins, you have a 25% chance of getting HH. Then if you get two heads in a row, shouting about how wrong they were.

Well, I don’t think it was just the middle of the country, it was basically any state that wasn’t Ohio or Florida, and it was the Midwest that turned out to be a shitshow. Somebody pointed out that state polls are generally conducted by newspapers and colleges, and they’re not very well-funded right now so there are