Inspector Spacetime

Eh, I’m insecure about other things. To each their own.

Verbal and/or physical abuse, for one. But literally I just don’t care about physical cheating at all. Like my boyfriend and I are not in an open relationship, mostly because it just seems complicated, but if he came home tomorrow and told me he’d physically cheated on me I’d probably just ask him if he wanted to talk

Yeah, I know I’m generally in the minority on this, but I just don’t care about cheating at all. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with people having that as one of their deal breakers, but for me personally there are just so many worse things you can do in a relationship and cheating is just kind of meh.

I don’t know, everything I’ve read about them makes it sound like they have a deep mutual respect for each other. I think that whatever problems their marriage may have, he’s one of the few people whose known her so long she can just be totally free and herself around him. They may not be the most romantic couple, but

Nah, she’s too classy for that. I don’t think she needed to say anything because most women are going to hear that and just see red.

Was anyone else more offended by “your husband disagrees with you”? Like, the nasty woman bit, yeah we get it Donald Trump’s an unrepentant asshole, but that just felt so much more like the type of sexism women face all the time.

It’s okay - a little schmaltzy, but I’ve watched all three episodes, so I guess it’s good enough to keep watching so far. I’m not sure how much they’ll be able to keep up all of the twists.

I accidentally saw a Breitbart headline *shudder* on Facebook that tried to say Melania was shading Hillary. What?

Agreed, but I’m voting for complimenting his children as shade.

And your cynicism about people just because you don’t like them personally is...douchey? Come on, they’re obviously attention starved but they’re also OBVIOUSLY good at this shit. Kim Kardashian has been relevant about ten times as long as Paris Hilton ever was, they’re not idiots. She’s just been the victim of a

She didn’t write the hashtags. She snapchatted the video and this Instagram account re-posts all of her snapchats.

“I know Tina Fey did intentionally lose weight. But she was in an extreme situation: She had hundreds of thousands of dollars, and her show on the line. As she said, she didn’t want to the be cancelled.”

“I’m not counting 14 year olds who try out a tabloid diet for two days. I’m also not counting people who juice cleanse, fast or cut out things they’re not allergic to for the purpose of “detoxifying.” I’m specifically talking about people who do calorie counts, portion control and avoid fat.”

Wow, my experience could not be more different from yours. Every single woman I’m close with, from thin to fat, in different parts of the world, from all walks of life, has dieted. There was a period of time where I had to ask my friends to stop talking about Weight Watchers because I just couldn’t deal with them

Yeah, there are obviously people who actually eat like that and stay skinny, nobody’s saying there aren’t. But the VAST majority of people who eat like that are going to be overweight. But look! Somehow 100% of the characters on TV who eat like that are super thin! What an odd coincidence that has nothing to do with

Side note: while I’ve definitely wondered how a cop and Vice Principal on the Fosters could afford their house, and specifically this kitchen, it hasn’t stopped me from dreaming about the day I have the exact same one.

I don’t even think you need the “female” in there!

Yes!!!! I eat like that, too, Gilmores, but it’s why my doctor feels the need to discuss the weight loss programs available through my insurance every single time I go in. Yes, even that time I just needed some antibiotics for my ear infection.

Congrats! I went to get my UTI treated when my summer class ended so the on-campus health clinic wouldn’t cover me anymore! Also all cleared!

I can’t speak to the IUD but I got Nexplanon (the arm implant) recently, and one of the reasons was because I was a little paranoid about the IUD. The period after the insertion was terrible, like I couldn’t use my arm for at least 3-4 days and it took over a month before I felt 100% back to normal, but apparently