
I agree. It's a good movie. The only problem is that the book is much better... Though i liked the movie enough that it drove me into reading the book, so clearly worth it!

Well, i forgive you for that cheap cheap shot... Bringing Alison brie to a discussion... That's like auto winning. There's no point in the discussion. I mean... maybe if i'd followed it with a Danny Puddy, or Gillian Jacobs... And even than... But ok. All's well (also, yay for understanding references!)

Well, the part that the hobbit is a kid's book about frendship, courage and going on an adventure to find one self. Not a tale of epic proportions about the great necromancer and how bilbo saves the world. It's a children's book, not a nitty gritty epic with great adventures and it isn't LotR, like the movie tries to

Well, the part that the hobbit is a kid's book about frendship, courage and going on an adventure to find one self. Not a tale of epic proportions about the great necromancer and how bilbo saves the world. It's a children's book, not a nitty gritty epic with great adventures and it isn't LotR, like the movie tries to

Cmon, that's unfair. You can't really argue with alison brie!

If books adaptations count then i nominate The Hobbit...

Wait. What's wrong it a national ID card?

80€month for unlimited phone(land line), cable (with 7 day automatic record witch lets me see anything from the last 7 days at any moment), and 100Mb down and 30Mb down and 2 sim cards with 2000 minutes and 2000 sms and 700Mb data (more than enough) for 5€ each :D

Disk nearly full -> Format time!

I'll only start mine next year, but i could sum up some friends' thesiseses(plurals, arg!). So:



Ok. So, 12 cores and Dual GPU's so i suppose that's a computer for very heavy parallel computing right? To what extent is this better than just running a 4 computer quad-core and single GPU cluster? I mean, i guess that if the software you use is optimized to run on all those cores, i guess it would be easyer to just

I think the text just lacks a comma.

>>High-Performance Programmer: C/C++, Java. May have

I just hate the fact that if a dev changes the and app's price to free on google play, they cannot change it back to paid, so we never see those free app for a day deals... so sad :(

Thing is, we don't generaly do it by chance, we think before writing the code..

I'm sorry, but you have a typo in there...

Or play older zelda games (nds, gba, gbc n64 and so on) on emulators. If you jailbreak yoir iphone you can have some, i think, and there are loads on the play store.

Is this from Battle Royal, or am i just confusing characters?