
Why woul you choose this over snorkeling?

Damn... That's just nasty :/

That sounds reasonable enough. I wouldn't say i agree, but it's a reasonable and valid position.

What if your son later wants to go to college? Isn't that risk worth the pain of saving for it?

Well, thanks! Best Wishes :)


It did not come off rude or aggressive! No worries :D

dude, the jedi news it the water mark of the blog that first let the news out, not part of the document.

Well. Thank you!

Jedi News is the blog IO9 lists as the source for the picture, as in they broke the news first, so they watermarked the pic. On the bottom of the Jedi News blog this is written: "Jedi News is not affiliated or endorsed either by Lucasfilm™ or any other STAR WARS license holder. STAR WARS is a registered trademark of

Well, first off, fuck you, you moron. With that being clear, lets start over. Yes, i wasn't really that clear with my question. I wasn't really asking if they do make tools. it's plenty obvious that they do. What i was asking was as to the relative importance of the fact that they make tools vs the just using tools.

The article really focuses on tool use, and barely makes the distinction between use and making of tools. What i wanted to say was that what i read a while back was that the fact that they make tools is really a very distinguishable trait from just using tools. That distinction is never really cleared in the article.

Exactly! that's what i meant by my comment. I'll show myself out :D

I noticed!

That's maybe why it differs for me(not being america). I only remember only having ADSL broad-band. And most of my friends go the same... I know I had Dial-up at home, but i can't remember it, as i only started using the internet at around 2002, when broad-band was already widly accepted here...

The way i read the title it sounded like "your kids" as in the future generations. What i mean is that it's not the next generations that won't remember this, the current ones don't either (at least where i live)...

Ha! I'm not american :D

Mostly a combination of soy milk and rotating my left foot clockwise every three minutes. The milk keeps the retardation at bay and the left foot thing is just for the fun of it. Care to share your method?

also, -1 for making it look like there are magnetic monopoles...

Apparently that might be true... I remember when i started using the internet (basically miniclip, email and wikipedia, lol) maybe arround 2002 and it was not arround any more apparently...