
Reverse! Reverse now, she's getting away!

Reverse! Reverse Now!

Safety nannies please just shut up. Life is dangerous. Learn to not whine so much.

The smoke from that smokestack looks like the Dunlop bridge at LeMans......

This asshat panicked at the sight of a corner, stood the bike up on the brakes and just drove off the course. Never even tried to make the corner, even though he was going so slow he could have made it easily. Total fool who had no business on the road, let alone a racetrack.

the reason he lost it is because he got on the throttle too early, with the bike still on the edge of the tire. You can hear it happen-then the back steps out, then regains traction while the front is pointed the other way and BOOM- highside over the bars.

Guarantee the trooper was texting or talking on his cell phone. Way to be situationally aware.

Wow. Get some meds before you kill someone. Seriously.

Too bad my ZX14 Turbo will absolutely stomp the guts out of this thing. And it didn't even take ten pudgy dorks to build it.

I am certain that extreme drunkeness played a huge role in all this.....

Jeannette, your Hep titer came back. Sorry but it's off the charts.....

Asshattery. Barely gets past 15 degrees from straight ahead.

I saw one of these cars ON THE STREET in Paris in 1971. Just about had a car freaks freak out.

Do you have to put your hand over your eyes? Isn't closing them easier? And pounding the driver at 185mph is probably NOT going to make him drive better.

And yes, it made my day.........

I'm surprised no-one mentioned what a great stoppie that was-just about perfectly vertical....

This car looks great to me. But it is a SEDAN, thank you.

By all means, open your door into me. Then watch what happens to your insurance rates for causing an accident. Not to mention what will happen to your face.

Oh my yes. UNLIMITED that what you get from alphabet soup?

Eco drivers should be shot and their eco-mobiles burned on the shoulder as a warning to others like them.