That is awesome!! Keeper!
That is awesome!! Keeper!
I think I might be all spent at this point.
I feel that doing that would give birth to a whole new level of friendship!
DUDE. I’m not sure if you are making a double ententre about ‘lasting long’... But I was with a guy who had a stunning dick, huge, beautiful... but it was like one of those inflate-y things that flop around in front of used car lots. Just about the time it was gorgeously erect...
Time to take a pregnant pause.
“IT’S ABOUT ETHICS IN DICK JOURNALISM!” (i’ll show myself out...)
I don’t know what to say. I’m shooting blanks at this point!
I feel like comments like this sement our friendship (if i may be so balled)
You sparked a memory. We get a fair bit of snow here in winter. Whenever the newscast announced 10 or more inches, I would say, quite clearly, in any kind of crowd "Well hey! who wouldn't want 10 inches!?" Silence and blank stares always followed (i really need to get the fuck outta here...).
This had a notable lack of information on what Chris’s actual dick is like. I am disappoint. Poor journalism!
This is a seminal observation which as made a vas deferens to the way in which I view this story.
I think you meant phallusy.
This is an obvious phallacy.
That struck me as odd too - like living apart confers more consent?? Or am I totally reading this wrong?
I’m thinking that the laws in these states already made rape illegal between a husband and wife who were separated and/or divorcing. (The details of the Michigan case she describes are what helped me make that leap.)
are you fucking kidding me with this comment
Great, now you’ve let the secret out. Everyone’s going to use it.