Stay strong, sister. Take such good care of yourself.
Stay strong, sister. Take such good care of yourself.
My sons father stalked me and harassed me and I was so scared. And I did not get a restraining order because I was afraid that it would trigger more rage and he would kill me.
Gonna put this here for anyone who needs it:
Nothing is cuter than this French Bulldog (except maybe his owner).
I genuinely love the fact that in the UK, "Simple as." is a perfectly reasonable, logical sentence all on its own.
Whenever my white friends told me about how they smoked pot all the time, all I could think of is what my dad told me:
Don't do drugs. Don't break any laws. Don't do anything that the police can arrest you for, because they will have no mercy on you.
White kids don't feel this way. They blatantly would smoke pot in…
After the grand jury decision not to indict the New York police officer who used an illegal chokehold to kill Eric…
Yes, but did the medical examiner *watch the tape?* Because Jojofriends did! Also, googled "asthma attack," so really, how could you possibly be more prepared to weigh in on this matter than Jojofriends is?
Medical examiner said cause of death was the throat being crushed.
I didn't have health insurance, so I didn't have prenatal care.
It's really messed up. And you know, when you have insurance and you get a healthcare bill for $5,000 and they cover all but $100 or so, you feel good about it...until you remember that you've probably already paid twice that amount into the insurance over the last few years just to afford it.
I thought it was in the video, but I didn't want to make that claim since my memory is faulty. I did remember that being talked about though so I knew it happened. This upsets me so much. They've been making such a big deal lately about body cameras for officers, but this just shows that they'll get away with it…
I remember it, and he says it multiple times. I want every single cop in that video scorched off the face of this earth.
I think the worst part of this one is that I watched it. I watched a video of a man's life being snuffed out. In my neighborhood, a few blocks from my parents home. I saw him die. Be murdered. That does something to you. Sticks in your soul. I believe that seeing things like that mutilates us a little bit as human…
They're a tool that can be used to increase the likelihood that cops are held responsible for their actions (and possibly act more responsibly as well).
Yes, but saying the ME ruled it a homicide still accomplishes very little. Even if he had a pre-existing condition and it was brought on by physical contact (which had been released) it would likely be a homicide due to the video evidence of the events.
No one's saying that body cameras are a magic wand that makes racism go away. They're a tool that can be used to increase the likelihood that cops are held responsible for their actions (and possibly act more responsibly as well).
The thing is this though...this affects ALL people. It does. But, the racial divide in this country, couple with the "wont' happen to me" privilege, is all it takes to make this non-indictment business as usual. Sadly, cops are going to have to start killing unarmed white men for action to truly be taken.
But guys, don't you know that the grand jury saw all the evidence that no one else saw and that means that there is no way that cop was guilty because no one on a grand jury has ever been a racist. I'm pretty sure they have a racism blood test for that so that there is no possible way that a grand jury has ever in the…
It's fucked up in all these cases that the cop wasn't prosecuted, but with this one I finally thought we might see an indictment. I mean, there's a fucking video of the cop doing it! I can't remember if the video showed him saying I can't breathe because it's been so long since I watched it, but I definitely remember…