some one needs to educate them on the difference between Monologue and Dialogue.
some one needs to educate them on the difference between Monologue and Dialogue.
What they really want is a monologue.
Warren v. District of Columbia established that the Police don’t have to “Serve and Protect”
They already have silencers.
Just for shits and giggles, they should have left a single boxcar at the end.
Well it does look like an exceptional convoy.
exactly what I was thinking, why not use the dragon wagons. It’s what they did for the local 4th of July parade after desert storm.
At least they picked a date worthy of a military parade. The 100th anniversary of the end of World War 1.
You can have my porn went you pry it from my cold dead sticky hands.
Oddest thing I ever saw on the highway was a German army PzH2000 self propelled Howitzer on the side of I-20 30 miles west of DFW. I assumed it was coming from Fort Bliss or going to Fort Sill.
it’s snark combined with the end result of every communist government in history.
no, no. the far left believes there should only by one gun owned by the whole of the proletariat and only to be used for executing Capitalists and “Fascists” (ie anyone to the right of them) not to be confused with nazis or white supremacists. Thus entering the Socialist Utopia that Marx promised and then the gun will…
A - A group calling for only the government to have guns appears to have an end goal of total civilian disarmament.
So then educate me on how “Cops love killing unarmed minorities” mesh with “Only cops are responsible enough to have guns”.
You should check out Donut Operator on Youtube.
He is pointing out the hypocrisy of far left groups.
He is pointing out the hypocrisy of the far left.
Fur Missile, you’ve been watching Donut Operator haven’t you?
Nice to see the 90lbs fur missile get his bork bork nom nom on.