
Darth Batman Approves.

Not a new concept. Police and military riot control vehicles have been fitted with swing out shields for decades. Either solid or sone form of slats to protect officers from bottles, rocks and molotov cocktails. They are just not common in the US as the usually associated tool the water cannon is frowned upon here.

Yeah, everything North of the Wall is currently dead and crossing into the South. I think the Watch has lost its mandate. And if they win the great war, then everything is still dead and south of the wall. Not much point to keep watching the north

While, I may agree with you on the principles of maintaining Law and Order. But in these scenarios, I think a line must be drawn between crimes of necessity and opportunity. Food & Water in a disaster OK, 4K TVs? Not OK.

Thank you, we may not have the brightest bulbs here, but we aren’t Florida stupid

Shit, I drive nearly a hundred miles a day going to and coming from work in DFW.

Communists and Socialists, we are almost reliving the history of the Wiemar Republic in post WW1 Germany. The Spartacist Uprising and the rise of the FreiKorps. Left and Right wing Militias battling it out on the streets and leading to disillusionment in the government and where Germany ended up.

and by the time California is approaching energy self sufficiency, Trump would most likely have exited the presidency or nearing the end of his second term.

You did import 32% of your electricity from outside of the state in 2016. You don’t think Trump would cut the independent Nation of California off?

And restrictive laws for what guns you can even buy.

I have questions on the Wight Dragon, since the Wight appear to be extremely flammable. How exactly is a Wighted fire breathing dragon going to work?  

While his employer was part of NGC, my dad worked on the Super Tomcat upgrade program.

Careful now. some folks around here don’t appreciate us Texans.

Sounds about right for the time I had to drive from the Bombardier Plant at the Downsview Airport to my Hotel off the 400 in Vaughan. 17km(11 miles) in 45 minutes around 6pm.

It wasn’t really a fix, but does standing on a Jeep Bumper and urinating on the Engine to put out a fire during morning Rush Hour traffic count as Desperate?

True, but if I am in a situation where I am preparing to shoot someone and drop the gun, I think an accidental discharge would be among the least of my problems.

To be fair to True Lies, the MAC-10 operates from an open bolt system compared to a closed bolt.