
I had to spent the month of March in Toronto on business, and I can tell you the traffic sucks. Gridlock on almost every road.

And if anyone is interested in WWI in an in depth but easy to digest format, I can not recommend highly enough Indy Neidell and the Great War you tube channel. The premesis of this channel is a what happened this week 100 years ago in world war 1.

or set it up like bumper cars and have electrified chicken wire overhead.

Probably not. Unless your name is Steve and we’re still friends.

Texan, and military history is a hobby.

Some technical indicators of date in this picture.

yeah, I own a 226 and that is a sig double stack model with the decocker removed.

Well may be you should bring that up with the Department of Agriculture’s Wildlife Services Program. They kill about 100,000 along with over 2 million other animals every year using aerial gunners, trapping, denning (killing young) and the M44 Cyanide Trap.

it hyperbole.

Coyotes are incidental and opportunistic predators of Feral Pigs, so Feral Pigs are not a primary prey of Coyotes. The impact their predation has on the feral pig population is no where near enough to have any lasting effect on the Pig Population

Most of the Parasites are in the bowels, and you remove those when you field dress the animal, otherwise it is just a matter of proper temperature when you cook the meat. just like the pork at the supermarket.

by being more than linear and not quite exponetial.

The Coyotes also go after the Ranchers livestock. And Coyote Predation on Feral pigs is limited to the young or smaller pigs. And by your logic, we shouldn’t kill any feral hogs since they are know to prey on their own young.

That may have been from one of my comments the last time Feral Pigs in Texas came up on this site.

He already lives here. This problem is so bad that even Chuck Norris is powerless to stop the pigs.

The smaller ones (under 100lbs) are quite tasty, the Bigger ones are tough and gamey. In the past, you could donate the meat to local soup kitchens or food pantries but the laws changed and you can’t do that anymore.

The Feral Hog birth rate in Texas is somewhere between a linear and an exponential Growth model. And I imagine it is edging towards exponential.

I feel like painful burns would result from trying to get it out of the engine bay.

Ok, who is the asian lady and why does her hair look like the top of her head is several inches above where it should be?

Kinda looks like what my Grandfather did with his wooden hand. Just tossed a leather glove on it and replaced it every 10 or so years.