
Now I want to grab him by the ankles and mop a floor.

All that talent and such a little ego. Or do I have that backwards?

It’s china, they are all knock offs.

Race wars?

If BLM Protestors wanted to start a race war with Rednecks, they hit the right place.

Hey, how about that. A story about a terrifying critter that doesn’t contain the words “From Australia”.

The engine seemed to pulse every once in awhile on the trailer, maybe some variant of Nuclear Pulse Propulsion.

Didn’t they use that at Gitmo?

In the gif, I like to little quadcopter that just flies in at the last moment.

Well my car isn’t a beater but I keep wrenches, screwdrivers, a socket set, duct tape, knife, multi tool, zip ties, first aid kit, fire extinguisher, blanket, water, tow strap, flashlight and a lantern.

Consider that I was arguing with an individual who had never seen the film and came in with preconceived ideas of what was happening in the movie and an ideological axe to grind against law enforcement real or make believe.

Well, thank you for reminding me that sicario was a movie. Here and I thought that I drove to a large building payed money for a ticket and popcorn to watch real life. Where would we Americans be without you foreigners looking down on us and telling us what to do?

some people in this world just need to be bitch slapped, regularly and often.

Maybe I’m feeling like a verbal masochist today.

Not cops, Spooks and Operators. Shoot 1st and question the survivor types.

I have the same issue with a coworker that has never seen any funny movie before the mid 90s.

They were all in the same cars, they were all armed. They were all hostile.

So a convoy of Federal Agents and Delta Force Operators transporting a major Cartel figure from Mexico to the US shouldn’t respond when a few car fulls worth of armed Cartel Soldiers pull up next to them on a section of road who’s sole purpose is entry into the US?

After the 3rd one, I was expecting her to say they were all asian, but then she gets to the ones that are clearly asian and nothing???

Shame they don’thave the stig anymore. Imagine the game of thrones, they say he... comments.