
I am aware.

It’s Japan, it’s probably both.

1st Special Service Force, Anders Lassen and the SBS in the Aegean and Northern Italy, or Darby’s Rangers would make a good source material.

Saving Private Ryan was set in the American sector of the invasion. Most of the Free European forces were in the British sectors of the Invasion. You weren’t likely to see the other allied forces in the American Sections.

Naturally in Japan, not even Radiation will stop a man from sitting down to read a manga.

Most people don’t realize that the Mi-26 is about the size of a C-130.

Ah the Vast Right Wing Internal Combustion Conspiracy.

5. Alec Issigonis’ original sketches of the now-famous Mini included a dash-mounted radiator overflow tank that doubled as a hot-water dispenser for tea. It was cut for cost reasons.

You’ve obviously never been to a party in the country.

New Hosts for next season! Jeremy Klarkson, Dick Hammond, Jim Mays

Seriously no Game of Thrones?

That is not necessarily true. In 2013 an Alaskan Hiker killed a bear with a semi auto AK-74 5.45x39mm. 13 rounds and the bear ran off and died. The problem with bears is that their heart rate is so low that it takes forever for them to bleed out. So it is a choice of 1 or 2 big holes or a lot of little ones.

Wow, that is way more that the zero fucks I give about your opinion.

Jesus, what is with all of the interest in responding to a 4 year old comment?

That is kind of where I would expect them to keep the arms locker. Office safe style with a few pistols, maybe a few shotguns or M4s.

I’ve felt that as a compromise, there should be a small small arms locker only accessible by the Officer on Duty or the senior NCO in each unit/office for emergency situations.

In Cerseis case it was 1st, 2nd, and 3rd born.

Wow I’ve never seen him with hair before.

Alex Jones, is that you?

I have one of those 1 yen coins and they are unbelievably light. I mean that if you couldn’t feel the shape of the coin in your hand, you wouldn’t think you were holding something.