There has long been a story that Glock Leg is what started the Shooting at the Branch-Davidian compound in Waco.
There has long been a story that Glock Leg is what started the Shooting at the Branch-Davidian compound in Waco.
As an early purchaser of the P30 in 4ocal. I 100% agree. I was sold on the P30 after holding 1 once. Fits like a glove has new meaning with the P30.
Well, I’m a southpaw too and the 226 hasn’t given me any problems so far. I have medium sized hands so I usually take my Sig 1911 or my 40cal H&K P30 as backup for pig hunting in Texas.
I hope you have big hands. I had a USP45 and it was just too big for my hands at only 12+1 of 45ACP. I traded it for a German made P226 9mm Threaded Barrel.
On Ergos alone, my H&K P30 beats everything else I’ve shot. Sig, Glock, 1911, CZ, Browning, Beretta, Springfield or S&W.
The A-3 Skywarrior and the A-5 Vigilante were made for 1 reason. To justify new carriers in the Nuclear Age. At least during the earlier days when Nukes were huge bulky devices.
Trumpet playing driver.
Fallout 4 “Special” Edition
The old muscle cars
I loved my 97 wrangler. Even though it had a gutless 4 banger engine that struggled to hit 60 in a strong headwind. And occasionally the fuel line would pop out of the Fuel injector. And had the soft top stolen.
more of a semi-submersible.
Peace dividends. The Germans took the knife to their military big time after the end of the cold war.
that was my thought as well
I kept reading cobalt as Cobra.
rotary rack for launching cruise missiles. Think of a big revolver that shoots missiles.
The Chrome dome missions during the mid to late 60s had Nuclear armed B52s airborne 24 hours a day for 4 years. Peace thru Strength
Precisely. You can launch you bombers as the situation escalates, and have them on route to targets and then if the enemy backs down you can order the bombers back to base and all it has cost is jet fuel.
Recallability. But I don’t think that this is actually a word.