
The CSS Hunley was a better submarine than that sub, the Turtle was too.

I heard that the US Gov’t wants a soft kill system instead of the Shotgun type hard kill system like the Trophy. Even the Israelies have found that a hard kill system may protect the tank but can make life awkward for the infantry around it.

Guderian’s last field command was before the widespread introduction of shaped charged anti-tank rocket like the Bazooka.

Bravo Zulu, good sir.

Houston: “So, How does it taste?”

I’m a conservative and I think that the people who believe Alex Jones are idiots. And I should know, my brother listens to him and is an idiot.

Alex Jones listener?

Probably going to be safer in jail.

A DPMS AR15 is about as cheap as they come for an AR. Estate Ammo appears to be bird shot not buckshot and is one of the cheapest shells you can buy. Shotgun doesn’t look like a Remington or a mossberg. Looks like they didn’t spend alot on anything. I would guess that they probably spent about $1,000 total.

All of the firearms I own have a date code in the serial number.

Also partial to the P-38 Lightning

I prefered the Viggen

It may not be my favorite but the Jenny is the one my great grandfather helped design for the Curtiss Aeroplane Company in 1915.

It looks like Admiral Ozzel brought the ship out of hyperspace too close to the planet again.

Alliance Airport Fort Worth Texas

Yeah, generally scientists deciding to touch things end badly.

A better question is why is someone standing there photographing plutonium, let alone glowing plutonium?

Clinton can claim the “Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy” is trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill, but she is building a mountain of mole hills.

They are following the Law, Military law or the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

Thats nothing, my old 97 wrangler caught on fire twice. The 2nd time ruined my parent’s anniversary.