
The specialist craft where probably tugs, parts of the Mulberry Harbor, hospital ships, rocket ships (LCT-R), specialized engineering craft and C&C ships

Once more Chuck Norris has shown us the future.

Bigger. I think it was a M51 Skysweeper 75mm

There is the house that I have driven by a few times in the DFW area that has an old anti-aircraft gun in his backyard pointed towards the DFW airport a few miles away. Every few years there is a story on the news about the gun and people being concerned about it.

unfortunately my HOA dictates that mailboxes are mounted on the house and not street side.

I have an old Navy practice bomb in my house. I’ve been considering attaching a mailbox to the fins and burying it nose down in the front yard.

When in doubt, the thing with a cannon has the right of way.

What about hearing the column of tanks coming. Even if you can’t see a column of tanks coming, they aren’t exactly the quietest thing on the road.

I know the secret of military operations names. I heard from a friend who had a friend who knew a guy... that worked in a secret room in the deepest sub level of the pentagon. Before him there are 2 very large bowls. In the 1st bowl are slips of paper with every adjective in the english language, and in the 2nd bowl

On the Windshield of my Wrangler.

This comes to mind.

It doesn’t matter if he can see his gun or not. There are no sights on those MP7s.

At 2:05 was that a cat noise on the radio?

yeah, but the ships larger than a Carrier don’t have the ability to remove the next largest ship and the port it is docked in.

Next load is for Northern Tool.

Already happened and no one died.

It kind of reminds me of the Mayaguez incident with the Khmer Rouge in 1975

At Least back then you could call the enemy a name (Commie) and no one got offended.

It will also make the Fast and Furious Movies, a rather dull affair.