Oops, meant to say Donald Trump’s brother being part of the company, not DT himself.
Thanks for replying though!
Oops, meant to say Donald Trump’s brother being part of the company, not DT himself.
Thanks for replying though!
Do you guys think that there was any political motivation of Zenimax winning $500 million because Donald Trump’s one of Zen’s board members?
Aw, did they hurt your little feelings? Do you need a hug? I think you need a hug.
Personally I wasn’t saying it in an angry way, I was just confused as to your comment sounding like it was something that was trying to pull me into an argument.
It seems to me that you are very bothered by my comment and are trying to start some type of argument.
Resident Evil games have always been short. When I was 14 in 8th grade almost 14 years ago, the fastest I ran the Resident Evil 1 remake for the GC was something like 3h:35m:00s.
Too many games to name that I have in backlog, but I just picked up Resident Evil 7 yesterday, and will be playing it and no other games until I beat it.
But saying you’re a Zelda fan, and that you liked The Witcher 3 does absolutely nothing to explain why they cannot be compared.
To be honest, I think The Witcher 3 was overhyped, and having played only 50 hours of it, it’s not as amazing as others claim it to be (for that timed played at least).
That’s why I have excellent credit that’s allowing me to have bought and pay for a new car as well as putting a down payment for a house soon?
LOL you’re so triggered and it’s hilarious. I tend to make jealous bitches like that.
Hey man, sorry that my own success hurts you. Maybe if you do something with your life, you wouldn’t be LOL
Yeah, you mad for sure LOL
I buy and enjoy everything I’ve worked for. Unfortunately your tears don’t count as currency, and won’t contribute to my enjoyment.
Lol they said the same bullshit with the Wii U... Didn’t end up true. Well, definitely with strong AAA support.
I own a Wii U, PS4, Xbox One, 4K TV, 4K gaming PC, 2 3DSs, multiple collector’s editions for games on all the platforms, and have plenty of games in general for all platforms.