
It’s an unproven system, especially when the Wii U is a failure, they want to price it to the current systems and charge online with their online infrastructure being BY FAR the biggest piece of shit in online gaming.

Your problem was wanting to play last gen games on a current gen console.

What does that have to do with ‘Overwatch Porn’?

I honestly cannot understand why people would look up Overwatch porn.

I’ve read and heard from so many people that Astro A50s were nowhere near worth the $300, but I bought them back in 2013, and it made me realize, people who said so, are stupid and/or unable to afford them, so they crap on those who can buy them.

If you are so hurt by my comment based on facts, you should REALLY toughen up, ya big sissy.

Should worried about the horrendous RNG while bringing out new cards that break the damn.

Oh fuck me, my heart just fucking dropped. I can’t fucking believe this. God fucking damn it.

Overwatch receiving GOTY.

That... explains absolutely nothing.

No, it will not. Even when ask about the price, Phil Spencer said it will be a premium console, and will cost more than the Xbox One S. Yeah, that can mean $400, but for what it is rumored what it can do, um, no. If you have done 4K PC gaming even on a budget, it will not be $400. Hell, the PS4 Pro had to cut so many

Link looks... terrifying...

Yeah... Scorpio will probably smoke it in terms of horse power, but the Scorpio will NOT be cheap. Expect an $700-$800 price-tag.

Won’t disagree with you there, as I have always hated his stupid, annoying ass.

WTF happened to Michael Bisping’s face? It’s like, it swollen up but never went back to normal.

Nowhere does it state that they have ‘no money’. It says they have been having financial issues, yes, but that can be due to shit management not knowing how to run things. That can very be, like MANY companies have done, spend a lot on stupid shit, paid people lots of money who don’t deserve it, and have very little

Why should that be the employee’s fault? If you cannot afford to make games, then don’t make games you cannot afford to pay workers for.

Why not quit and sue any and all of those responsible?

To PewDiePie,

DayZ creator shouldn’t open his god damn mouth until they actually fix DayZ and finally take it out of early access after 3 years with no end in sight.