
How many human years are in God years?

Or... from the Uncharted 4 Easter egg that showed Ellie pregnant with a gas mask on, maybe she had the baby and they kidnapped her since she might have the cure, since they couldn’t get it from Ellie.

Ah, bummer! Well, hope you’re feeling better, can’t wait to see more HLR!

I don’t know if it’s me, but have there not been a highlight reel in a week or so? Maybe I just missed something...

What to expect: Criiiiiiiiiinge.

They should have a video of Sombra pop up and say ‘I’m the only hacker here’ then she does her ‘Boop!’.

Them nipples...

Call me crazy, but The Witcher 3 is not that great. Kind of meh, especially the combat and overall feel of the world.

Call me crazy, but The Witcher 3 is not that great. Kind of meh, especially the combat and overall feel of the world.

This is covered in a few of your points, but just overall, be respectful, don’t say shit like, they need someone else to help, he’s taking forever.

“His viewers begged him to run away. One suggested that he escape Japan with a Gundam.”

Anyone know if they at least have the mod that makes many parts of the Wasteland full of grass and trees?

Catching some Pokemon in Moon, shooting up some future soldiers in Infinite Warfare, and some Heroes of The Storm to unlock that Genji costume.

Suck my dick, bitch :D

FBI should go after EA for stealing player’s money by putting out games with half the content missing.

I can’t believe you people lack the ability to read the first 2 sentences...

Lol bro, it says on the second sentence...

I see. Now I understand the issue with PS4.

I never understood that for PS4. What does that mean exactly?

Any texture mods for XBO or PS4?