
Mainly Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare and a bit of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.

I have a 48" Vizio 4K TV. That is separate from HDR?

Suck a fat nut and go cry in your corner like a little bitch :)

This is the greatest thing I’ve seen. Much needed after dealing with this election BS :(

Oh, didn’t mean to target you. I was just saying generally speaking, lol. My bad...

How dare you speak common sense on the internet.

“There’s a ton of stuff that changed, far more than Call of Duty does from game to game.”

I guess due to your retardation, you missed the part where I said I still enjoy BF1.

Fair enough. I never cared for Zombies at all, but so far this one seems to be more like the original, though I can’t say for sure since I played IW Zombies and died in the same area after 5 rounds, lol.

But it’s not ‘radically’ different. Unless you mean it radically lacks features, then you are correct.

That’s exactly what I’m pointing out. BF1 has fewer things. So again, how does that make it better?

“BF1 has fewer gadgets and guns because that’s what they had in the time period. The funny thing is that it is better because the experience is so much tighter and more refined.”

Walls, barricades, trees... LMFAO

Yes, I have. I have BF4 on XBO, PS4, and PC. And no, there isn’t a ton of stuff that has changed...

The fact that it has less content (weapons/attachments) and has less destructibility doesn’t make it ‘better’ or innovative, which gets praised for. In what way is it more ‘innovative’?

“I still enjoy it though”

Call me crazy, but I still think IW is a really good game. I have tons of fun with it. Campaign is FAR better than BO3 by a long shot. I also love COD4: MW when I want to take it a bit more relaxing.

No surprise that EA, their devs and fans are the most immature man children who probably think acting as such would get them laid.

Totally forgot I owned this game on PS4. Guess I’ll give it a shot before I forget I have it again with resubbing back to FFXIV, BF1, COD: IW/4 and a lot of other games.

On PS4? No way. Hell, I was playing on a TV with burnt out quality, and managed to look good on PS4. I play BF1 on a 4K TV, and it looks like crap. Every other game I play on my TV looks really clean.

Is it me, or does anyone else think that BF1 manages to look worse on PS4? BF4 looks pretty good, but good lord does BF1 look horrible...