
So I finally watched what this whole Pineapple meme is...

Can he actually start up and drive? No?


The hit detection in this game can suck my nuts.



All I do is comment on gaming blogs?


You can still find previous stuff, but isn’t it suspicious that the US Gov. bullied Ecuador into turning Julian Assange’s internet access off just recently? I’m saying it’s disrupting ‘new’ information that is trying to come in.

BF1 for the shooter crave. Dark Souls 3 for the RPG and prep for DLC 1. LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens for the relaxing fun.

I bet it’s the US Government performing the cyber attacks to disrupt information from being spread around about Hillary Clinton and her corruption Wikileaks has been putting out.

Feels more or less like BF3 & 4. It really feels like a re-skin.

If you bought the expensive version, not the base game.

Anyone know if BF1 will be available at 9pm for digital pre-orders on PS4?

I just find it funny how they can say stuff like this but if you try and troll, they have a smart-ass remark.

“Xbox users can help their squad out by reassessing their life choices and actually playing on a decent platform.”

That... was an absolutely embarR*assing hype ‘trailer’...

So... Skyrim/Skyrim Remastered is running on it?

Some PSVR (Eve Valkyrie), Gears 4, World of Warcraft, and LEGO Star Wars TFA.