Maybe they should have pulled those games. Maybe if these digital storefronts stop carrying broken games it would give publishers incentive to not release broken games. CDPR doesn’t care about you dude, you gain nothing by defending them.
Maybe they should have pulled those games. Maybe if these digital storefronts stop carrying broken games it would give publishers incentive to not release broken games. CDPR doesn’t care about you dude, you gain nothing by defending them.
Let them. Let them all get sick. 2020 has shown us that the herd needs some serious thinning.
Said it before, I’ll say it again.
If you have a hard time separating video game violence from reality, you’re already behind the curve...
“virtually" is the key distinction here.
You are crazy to think Reach had the worst campaign.
^ Trolling fyi
The proper term isn’t downvotes, it’s “surprise disagreements.”
Why do you care? Are you selling games? You sound like a “Epic bro” to me for defending Epic with something that vast majority of consumers care nothing about. Why do you guys never talk about how great the store itself is? Oh, wait, you can’t because it’s barely a storefront as it is.
Steam, Origin, Uplay, GOG Galaxy, EPIC...sometimes its not about allegiance, its simply about not wanting 9000 different fucking launchers when almost all the games you play are already on just one.
Says innocent until proven guilty and then just assumes guilt.
dude i saw with the corner of my eyes the pic and the words miyamoto and what at first glance looked like “dead”(dad) and I had a fucking heart attack.
I’m not happy about Netflix raising prices either but damn
I miss the times when people just played the games and didn’t give a crap about the character’s color/race/gender/favorite food/etc.
I dont understand articles like this. Maybe I am missing something as I get the unequality in this country but why do we have to constantly point out negativity in games? I am Syrian and 99% of the time my culture is portrayed as nothing but bad in games and it has never once effected me negatively or ever thought why…
By even bringing focus to the subject, you are creating an issue of something that is a non issue when they are spreading racial diversity.