
It would be cool if you got to play a part of the game in a futbol/soccer match with the enemy on the field of the trenches, and that part of of the game was implemented from the FIFA engine.

Thinking of getting this on the PS4 even though I have it on the PC. Reason for getting it on PS4 is because my wrist begin to hurt when positioning them at the KB/M, and while I have a TV to connect my PC to and use a controller, the aspect ratio just doesn’t seem to work well on a 48" TV.

As that what every moron says what they are simple-minded?



And no, I don’t have a political preference, since you’re so keen on calling me a lib.

Dear God... I didn’t think you were that stupid... Actually, yes, yes I did.

We found the bigot here guys!

Don’t be upset that I made you look foolish, but have at it. I’ve made my point multiple times. Probably not best to try and trash someone and say they said stuff that they didn’t. You’ll only look like a big dummy, you big dummy.

Seems like you have some mental issues if you reacted that way.

Lol okaaaaay

You: “What you gonna do about it?”

It’s sad with all the MMOs that have been able to handle this problem for the past 10 years, FFXIV being one of the more recent and successful MMOs STILL cannot manage to get it right.

Trying? As in trying to kill another awesome franchise? Because they are doing a marvelous job doing so, especially with reusing MGSV assets and adding zombies.

I am not lying when I say this, but Counter Strike players and fans are THEE most obnoxious of any ‘fan’base ever.

“stupid idiots”...

This... is nothing new in the gaming industry. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE is expendable, ESPECIALLY QA Testers the most are always laid off mid-end of the year as games are wrapping up their crunch time and just ironing out smaller bugs. The reason they keep a smaller team of each roll is for later DLC reasons.

Son and Moon New 3DS XL design looks flat-out lazy.

That’s odd, because I know people at Fry’s Electronics as well, and had my PC put together by them, and the CPU was damaged, and they replaced it with no problem at all. Been going to the same store for years, and never once heard about anyone swapping out hardware, especially when they give you back all receipts and

I was really excited for this game, but it sucks seeing all these reviews just shitting on the game. This loading issue doesn’t help either. Here I thought Bloodborne was really bad before patch, this is just unacceptable. 2 minute load? Geez...

Um, the people who do that get paid well, and if something happens, they have to replace it. You’re talking as if they mess anything up, it’s on you...

I guess, but you can pay like, what, $100 for the electronic store to put it together in less than a day? And you’d save $1,000 compared to buying one of these pre-made ones, while building one equal, if not better.

I haven’t seen it on store since launch. I did for an hour or so, but after that, it wasn’t searchable through store.