
I’m so stressed. I know it’s not a done deal yet and has more steps to go thru before truly implemented but this scares me. I have a few chronic illnesses that cost me thousands a year to treat and just treat, not cure because there are no cures. At the moment I’m on Disability which I hate to be on but had to finally

I am sorry. This shit shouldn’t even be happening. It’s mortifying; personally, nationally, and globally.

I think you’re mixing up your Greek myths. Icarus is the one with the legendary hubris. ;)

Hang in there. There are many of us who share your dilemma or who can empathize. But this will likely not pass through the senate as-is.

Sure we want single-payer, but we can’t afford to give up Obamacare on principle. There are lives on the line! Having to fight tooth and nail for the inadequate status quo may be infuriating, but it’s the least we can do.

“I did want to attend his town hall on May 12th, but it’s being held 2.5 hours away, in the less populated, more conservative area of the district.”

Not abused, but adopted. My birth mom would have had a pre Roe V Wade abortion if she had not been that far along when she finally told her parents. I have had a great life, and am still pro choice. Some people who are anti choice ask how can I think like that if I’m so happy with my life. I always say, how would I

Um it was a 90s movie and it was called Junior. Please show some respect.

Heard this in Alan Rickman’s voice, so there is that.

Or milk a man.

I like this reproductive choice variation on the Bechdel Test.

They have to think this though, right? Because they want to block women who are self-aware enough to say “You know what, I can’t / am not equipped to / don’t wish to be a decent parent, or a parent at all” and / or “As much as I’d like to be a parent, having a baby now would trap me in this abusive relationship”

The sad irony is that they have little concern for actual child abuse. Once the child is out of the womb: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  

“Women have very little idea of how much men hate them.”—Germaine Greer.

“the ultimate form of child abuse.”

Is it impossible for these people to speak about abortion without revealing their contempt for women, or do they choose not to?

Goddamnit, ladies, who told Rep. Eastman about our little secret? Now that he knows, how are Alaskan women supposed to get free trips to Walla Walla to buy apples and go square dancing?

I had to get an abortion back before Roe V Wade so I did do some exciting travel.

I don’t know about you, but I was SUPER stoked to have a glorious day trip to Norwich, CT for an abortion. The protesters even made me feel like I was in an authentic, New England tourist experience!