
This, sadly, is why I always choose male avatars and never turn on voice chat when playing MMOs. It’s just not worth the harassment. :( They (cis men) just don’t understand what it’s like because they’ve never had to experience it.

Halo 2 is definitely patient zero. The chat was like a petri dish of awful.

It really depends on who you are. Some of us have been putting up with this bullshit for a hell of a long longer than you’d think. I, as a trans woman, never ever ever turn on voice chat because of the sheer amount of hate and constant verbal abuse I get.

Mass Effect’s strictly co-op mode isn’t that bad, except for the hardcore dudes on Gold who freak out if you don’t play the level absolutely flawlessly, but they’re rare.

And that’s sad. I primarily play on PS4 and the few times I get in groups where someone is in chat they are usually either funny, helpful or annoying (talking, listening to music, etc.; I just mute these people).

yep. voice chat is awesome unless you’re not a white man... the further you get from that... the worse experiences can get. i hate that you have to subject yourself to it for certain games. i also hate that racists have made me hate what is actually something awesome you can do in gaming.

Sadly, this kind of behavior isn’t particularly new on voice-chat of any kind. The only switch that was flipped was the introduction of it; a recurring segment on X-Play was ‘It Came From Xbox-Live’ and some of those sequences date back over 13 years ago. And prior to that, we had offensive text chat on games

I don’t know if things were better then. The first time I remember running into this type of thing was Modern Warfare 2. People would scream the N-word or homophobic slurs when they were getting killed. I seem to remember at the time on 360 there was some option that let me not hear voice chat at all, outside my

Yep. Back in the olden tymes (2002ish) we used to have actual conversations and we’d plan missions, adjust tactics, etc. Met a lot of cool people from all over the world and had a blast. A lot has changed since those days and I haven’t un-muted my headset in over 6 years...

This kind of shit is why I immediately mute every single human being on voice chat in any online multiplayer game.

Even if she were undocumented, I’d rather have her in my country than those cowards in /pol/.

I saw more of this posted on tumblr. Someone actually reported her to ICE for this. Her reaction was essentially “jokes on you, I’m a citizen”

As someone who used to work at a bakery that served coffee at 7 AM before anything else in the area was open...

You know I recently rewatched Jurassic Park and it gave me a whole new appreciation of that meme.

There’s a certain kind of person who doesn’t drink coffee who is super smug about it. Like someone will say “I’m tired. I’m going to get a coffee” and some asshole will be like “You should try getting up at 5 in the morning, going for a run, and then drinking a nice glass of water with a squeeze of orange juice. Then

If you had just left it at “purchase” instead of “purchase/rely” you might have been alright.