
I think I comprehend their fucked up logic. I’ve mentioned before that I’m a DV victims’ advocate. Victims tend to return to their abuser due to a variety of factors, one of the most prevalent ones is shame. I think these idiots want to force victims to follow through with pressing charges and leaving their

Not snarky, do you live in a nice area? I lived in a bad part of town, kind of unknowingly, and I called 911 because it honestly sounded like someone was being beat to a bloody pulp and the dispatcher outright told me it was a busy night and they probably won’t come.

Just incredible. When I went through Police Academy in the UK, part of the Domestic Incident training we were given quoted a statistic which influenced how I dealt with every different situation. Researchers had determined that on average a victim experiences 37 seperate instances of Domostic Assault before calling

What idiot approved this law?

Speaking of police penalising domestic violence victims, have you heard ab out this case in the UK? A 19 year old woman was murdered by her ex-boyfriend after she was fined for wasting police time when she complained about him stalking her.

They do though, yeah.

The article doesn’t mention the Violence Against Women Act that Clinton originally signed in 1994 (and updated since). It prohibits landlords from evicting victims of domestic violence, no matter how often police are called.

Maybe I’m missing something, but how does the punishment fit the “crime” here? Because you report potentially dangerous and life threathening domestic violence more than twice in 6 months gets you kicked out of your house AND banned from your city? What idiot approved this law?

I wondered that, too, but it seems to affect only renters. The nuisance law is a “safeguard” that was put into place to protect landlords, not just homeowners.

noun nui·sance \ˈnü-sən(t)s, ˈnyü-\
an annoying or troublesome person, thing, or situation

You’re forgetting that women are to blame for domestic abuse. These are laws to protect the true victims, men. /s

Maybe if the players in the justice system in these instances did their jobs, there wouldn’t need to BE a second call, because the abuser would have been dealt with after the first one. How about that?

I Hate My Wide Feet

My feet are big. Not in a potentially good way, the way that might grab the interest of an NBA scout. Or in the way

People that don’t understand/haven’t seen how fucking cool Hillary Goddamned Rodham Clinton has always been are missing out on so fucking much.

Ohhhhmygod her eye roll head shake after she delivers it...I would give someone all of my dollars to hang out with HRC for just one night.

Oh my god YASSSS! I want bitchy, sarcastic HIllary ALL FUCKING DAY.

It was there some. During a debate one especially incoherent Trump answer drew a “just listen to what you heard” from her.

All the idiots will respond to this misogyny viewpoint with statistics about women who voted for Trump. And they will completely miss the point. However, we do need to ask ourselves what it is about our culture that drove women to cast their votes for a textbook misogynist.

It felt like you were writing about me.

Thank you for sharing this story. As a board member for our local domestic violence and sexual assault organization, some of the things I struggle explaining to my network are exactly what you highlight here: