
I am a cancer survivor, and I have already told my husband that if I end up having a recirrance that I die from because we can’t afford treatment, to tell anyone that voted for Trump to please not attend my funeral. That would be most of our family.

Do you ever have any unused spoons? I had never heard of CRPS until a friend got it several years ago, and now that I know about it...holy fuck.

I’m seriously considering seeing whether there is sucha thing as being a ‘medical’ refugee, it’s ridiculous. And I’m pretty fucking fortunate! My dad is a retired federal employee (he was an archaeologist with the bureau of land management) and as such as the Good insurance (I’ve been to the Cleveland Clinic, more

I love to respond to those people that:

My husband, covered under my insurance, was in the hospital for four days in December. The hospital bill was about $26,000. Our out of pocket cost was a little under $1000. The ambulance bill was $1100 or so. We would not have been able to pay the full bill out of pocket. We showed the bill to my in-laws who live

Premiums were going up every year before Obamacare! The ACA actually slowed and lowered the percentage of increases. It’s amazing how easily swayed people can be.

Add don’t get raped or be a victim of domestic violence, because those are considered pre-existing conditions.

Right, every time there’s a shooting the right-wing gun nuts sadly shake their heads and say “gun control, no, what we REALLY need is better access to mental health services!” Which now we see is clearly a bullshit excuse so they don’t have to do anything at all.

I’m chronically ill and disabled, I can’t work. I’m only 31, without insurance and medicaid my meds would be over $3,000 a month, not counting therapy, PT, my pain specialist, neurologist, etc.

I live in Wyoming, and our medicaid isn’t great (and not expanded, the governor is a piece f shit). I live with my father, I

Is it me, or do the high risk pools seem like death panels?

Same for schools — deprive everyone who isn’t rich and white of a decent education: take the “cream of the crop” out of the public school system, put them into charter schools and leave the rest in the public schools, now deprived of the tax dollars now being sent to the minority of students in charter schools. Makes

I had an uncle whose wife contracted lupus. He was a dairy farmer — salt of the earth, hard-working man. Probably voted Republican straight down the line.

The only thing I can glean is that some people’s premiums have gone up, for whatever reason, and now that all “because of Obamacare.” Some woman on my FB was ranting about that and claiming her broker told her that. Also, there are people who are incensed about the mandate and the penalty— like ermagod big gubmit!!!!

I’m furious as well. My boyfriend is bipolar, and if he loses coverage and is unmedicated, there’s a good chance he’ll go off the deep end. Things are dicey enough some days even though he’s med compliant, I couldn’t imagine what our lives would be like if he couldn’t get his meds.

I’m 36 and got sick a year ago. Nothing life threatening but life changing. I was at a party in the fall where some people my age were bragging about how they don’t have insurance and they just pay the fine. Must be fun to feel bullet proof.

Why are you NOT doing that?

Asthmatic here and it’s especially awful as they’ve allowed all the standard meds to go brand-name only again, pulling the generics. There are no effective OTC meds anymore, either. And the cherry on top? Statistically speaking, asthma is suffered more frequently by poorer people. Fuck our health care system.

I’m type 1 diabetic and also taking it really personally. I just came from my checkup and they found a lump on my thyroid, so now I have that to deal with that too. If I ever lost my job I’d be fucked. I could never start my own business or work for a company that does not provide insurance. None of this shit is good

They want everybody who isn’t rich and white to die quickly and quietly after a short lifetime of servicing their needs.

I’m really really really trying to resist calling my super conservative Trump voting in laws and screaming at them that their votes put their son (skin cancer) and grandson (asthma) in very real danger and they can fuck right off.