And I hope the current president and the apparatus around him denies even confidential information to them. Or that it comes out that Trump betrays state secrets before even taking the oath.
And I hope the current president and the apparatus around him denies even confidential information to them. Or that it comes out that Trump betrays state secrets before even taking the oath.
For me, its the tax returns. Like wtf? How did he possibly get away with just never releasing them? Hes a billionaire with zero integrity, and his everyone was just all like “nah, those things? Why do we need to see those?” Oh... I don’t know.... because he is refusing to release them?!?
Unfortunately, though, faithless electors can’t just nominate someone else out of thin air. It would have to be someone who was running this election cycle. Maybe Kasich, maybe even Sanders, but Mittens wasn’t in the running this year so I don’t think he would be an eligible choice.
Weird, I literally said today that I would be just fine with President Romney at this point because he is at least sane and has some relevant experience!
Not to mention:
Fuckin A you know it’s bad when wanker Rand Paul is someone you’d ally with.
Ramsey Bolton. The only way this could be worse.
Rand Paul has always been kind of like Can’t Get Right from the movie Life. His heart seems to be in the right place and he does have some good qualities and ideas, but he’s just not quite right. He could be a good Republican, but his white guy objectivist blinders prevent him from seeing the big picture.
He’s already emailed Comrade Donald his selections from Ivanka’s jewelry line for his first state visit.
Hillary gave speeches to Goldman Sachs! That’s terrible!
But Hillary is a criminal and should be in jail!
Trump is seeking to give his children top secret information which they could then use to run the family business.
I never thought I’d reach the day where I find myself saying “Go Rand Paul!” but here we are.
Sincere thanks to all of you at Jez and The Slot that continue to report this shit.
No shit, Nostradamus.
Lolol we’re all doomed.
Does it matter?
He’s the victim when he rapes somebody, too. It’s amazing how that works.