
I know it isn’t appropriate, but I want to stab all of the things today. I tried going through the self checkout at target, so I wouldn’t have to inflict my stabby emotions on anyone, and then the damn machine malfunctioned. So some poor checkout person had to deal with me bottling all of my election rage. The man

I feel so fucking awful for Obama. Imagine being him right now? You spend eight years doing all this shit, doing your fucking best and being inclusive and loving while still trying to keep everyone safe. You have great approval ratings (now at least). You have a beautiful family and, aside from speculation that

I keep seeing photos of this dude, and thinking it’s Healy from OITNB.

Each one of these evil little fuckers that pops up into Trump’s circle of hell is more revolting and punchable than the last, if not equal.

Harry Reid is supposedly addressing this on the floor tomorrow.

This is one of those memes that gets posted a lot whenever something horrible or fucked up happens, but this week is the first time I’ve ever meant the words literally.

Shit, she was one of the good ones:(


Last weekend the History Channel replayed that really well done documentary: The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich (gee, wonder why?)

I’m in agreement with most of what you said, but sitting back and hoping isn’t enough.

You go, girl! This thing where we’re supposed to meekly accept the Electoral College election of a racist, fraudulent demagogue is WAY out of line. He didn’t even win the popular vote and he lied through his teeth and used voter suppression and dirty tricks to get elected.

“Call them what they are Pro-Birthers.”

Thank you for this;I can’t wait to share it with my blockhead friend who posted a pic of the recent protests with the caption “This is what happens when you hand out participation trophies”.

Just to put the icing on the shit cake, I can see someone trying it using some MRA dude who was just so traumatized by his woman getting an abortion.

And the Confederacy has been dead for 151 years, but damned if they’re not still out there protesting about it. I agree - fuck these “time to come together” assholes in every imaginable way.

Call them what they are Pro-Birthers. Everything they stand for is all about the birth. Cutting medical coverage, education & welfare pretty much prove they don’t give a flying fig once the fetus actually become a child.

Abortions have been legal in the US for 40 years, yet pro-lifers still protest it daily. At the same time, these people want us to stop protesting a fucking election less than a week after it’s happened. Fuck this bullshit, they can handle us protesting this man and his actions and everyone who voted for him for at

Stahl: So they’ll have to go to other states, what does that mean?