
Saaaaame here. I like getting into work by 7am so I have flexibility in the afternoons and throughout the week. Thing is, this requires me to be in bed by 11pm at latest, and I just can’t do it. Aaaand it’s for that reason that I haven’t gotten to the office before 8:30am for the past 6 months. But yeah, even on days

I’m up by 6:45 and out the door by 7:30 at the latest... but I completely agree with you about preferred sleep patterns. If my job didn’t require me to be up early, I would happily sleep from 2:00am-10:00am every day.

That darn Carmex wouldn’t take my trade-in.

I went to my therapist on Monday. After my usual five-minute word vomit of anxieties, she put her head in her hands and responded “I’m afraid for our country”. This is where we are at as a country. Even mental health professionals can’t deal. (And yes, I know it was probably unprofessional, but that is exactly why I

I had never considered how fucked up it is that those of us without Canada-worthy skills are essentially trapped here until this election.

Nothing at this point could hurt Trump. Heck, video of him shouting the n-word would only HELP him. I could never have guessed how right he was when he said he could shoot someone on 5th avenue and not lose any voters. He’s absolutely right.

oh my god, im in the same boat. like, i don’t even like jokes about trump. meanwhile i dressed as sarah palin on halloween in 2008.

I will admit it. I have been saying since the beginning that there is no way he will actually be elected. He’s a joke.

I never thought a Presidential Election could actually cause me severe anxiety and actual depression at the same time...four years ago, I remember loving Herman Cain, Rick Perry, etc’s ridiculous moments as I knew they were finite and everything would be ok.

This. I keep looking at 538 and I see her chances going down and I’m freaking out. In the back of my head I hope Clintion is sitting on something to use it on Firday. Maybe it’s Trump shouting the N-word or punching a baby. I can’t belevie it’s even this close.

Yea I’ve been watching it. I just was so confident this whole time. Even when she was supposedly ahead by a landslide, he was closer than he ever should have been, but now this is terrifying. There’s a shit ton of racists and misogynists that are SUPER fucking excited to vote for him.

The thing that kills me is that my husband has a SMART Car for commuting along with his Dodge Ram Bighorn that we use for hauling stuff. You know how when you get a car you suddenly see that car everywhere? A LOT of the farmers around here have SMART Cars for running basic errands so they don’t have to use their gas

i was so nervous through everything, but then the debates and the access hollywood tapes put me in a “LETS GET A LANDSLIDE!!11!” I’m a fucking mess. Its so hard to be so invested in an outcome that you really can’t control. All I can do is vote and bring others to vote, but I can’t control how the story is

Seriously. What an asshole. How about blaming the perv sexting your daughter rather than the woman who had literally nothing to do with it, Pops?

“I voted for Clinton but regret it because someone who works for her used to be married to someone who texted a picture of his junk to my teenaged daughter and she maybe checked her email once on her husband’s computer. Hillary didn’t know anything about any of this until last week, and she has never mentioned my

He’s probably one of the people who thinks this automatically means that Clinton was hiding something because the investigation is being “reopened,” even though it is entirely possible (probable) Clinton did not have anything to do with how the emails got on that computer, it is entirely possible the emails are

This is legitimately the first time I’ve been afraid during this entire thunderfuck of an election season. I’ve been so confident in the American people and the electoral process that I truly was not afraid of Trump possibly winning. Now Anthony Weiner’s dick and an asshole with a vendetta might be the reason a cheeto

Hillary was twelve points (!) ahead of the orange buffoon before this Weiner laptop mess dragged her back down. I honestly hope Weiner goes to jail now. Christ! I always thought it was Bill Clinton’s weiner that would get Hillary in trouble, not Anthony’s!

The teen’s father told Buzzfeed he’d voted early for Clinton but regretted it, adding, “With the recent developments with my daughter, I can say that I would likely not have voted for either of these clowns if I had it to do over again.”