
I think that went over your head? Sucking is a reference to Kirby, not gaming style. Kirby sucks. Literally, not figuratively.

I showed my kid, who immediately asked, “Where’s Dedede?”

Then you don’t know many in the mainstream gays who fight for their rights, but can be misogynistic and racist. Or mainstream feminism which has issues with addressing concerns of women of color. Some gays and feminists have the attitude, “Let’s fight against what oppresses me, and then we’ll get around to what

GTA V and RDR are two of the greatest games ever made, and LA Noire was a huge disappointment, so I’m gonna have to disagree.

At one point, both Red Dead and GTA were new. When a company strikes gold, it’s smart for them to continue refining that gold until it is without blemish. That’s usually why companies like RockStar stick to what works, because both GTA (Especially GTA) and Red Dead are guaranteed sellers.

A local dentist up here in Portland put a photo of herself hugging Trump on her Facebook (“proudest day of my life!”) and lost half her clientele. Bless our li’l coastal liberal enclave.

I used to teach pre-k and K so when my kids were gifted Candyland for Christmas last year I promptly “lost” it.

Fellow New Englander here-I was really surprised it was in Portsmouth, its like the Williamsburg of New Hamshire

This explains the Nasty woman I saw wearing a “Deplorable Lives Matter” shirt at Hampton Beach today. I’m still seething. Thank you for taking your business elsewhere and speaking up.

Alec Baldwin actually slipped some of this in his impression, to my delight.

I love this. Anything that memorializes for history what a putz Trump is is alright by me.

He’s playing Chutes and Ladders. And he’s cheating. And still losing.

I mean…isn’t he made of rubber?

I would probably break my screen and my hand trying to high five her

Like a glutton for punishment, I watched a couple minutes of that rally live on youtube. Two minutes was about as much as I could stand, featuring many of his ‘greatest hits’ (33,000 deleted emails!!), and the crowd actually chanting “lock her up!”. Which I’d read happened at his rallies, but was so jarring to see

Ok, so this rally today was at the Portsmouth Toyota dealership—a dealership I had until yesterday relied on for services. Not anymore. I wrote them a scathing email and canceled my latest appointment. What’s funny is that Seacoast NH is mostly liberal, so they will definitely take a hit in local business for this.

Maybe during Wednesday’s debate, halfway through, she can offer Trump to take a break so he can go “powder his nose.”

sorry, president evil, her drug tests are currently being audited.