
At first I thought I wanted her to just turn around and stare him down, but what he wanted was a reaction or confrontation, or for her to cede ground. I’m glad she just ignored him, you could see him getting angrier and angrier, huffier, breathing heavy and making faces. Not acknowledging him hit him waaaay harder

Got it! That question and answer is at about the 42-second mark in the embedded video:

Absolutely. Did you notice how he spoke to Martha Raddatz compared to how he spoke to Anderson? He views women as objects for fuck’s sake. The fact that Hillary is whooping his ass is probably killing him inside.

It absolutely failed. Part of me wishes she would have turned around at some point and said, “Um, what are you doing?” but her restraint was incomparable.

No, sorry. It was live on MSNBC. (I’m so glad I got cable again.) Not sure it was a big enough moment to have made any interwebs. Maybe? Post-debate interview on the Clinton campaign plane, when she also said they all wanted to take off so they could have a drink. :-)

I bet he’s a shover, not a hitter. My ex would shove me hard into things then tell me in a evil, fake-concerned voice that I had lost my balance. Meaning that would be his story if I tried to report him.

Considering that Ivana Trump testified in a sworn deposition that he tore her hair out by the handful and violently raped her, I’m gonna go with yes he’s physically abused his romantic partners.

Downside, he did touch the small of her back after the debate, which got me angry enough that I shouted at the TV. You don’t get to touch someone like that if you’re not married or dating them or at the very least, good friends. Certainly not your opponent in a presidential debate. It was an attempt to assert power

Having a woman hip you to this shit makes you see it all the time. Watched the debate on the couch with my girlfriend and her roommate and all of us were just in shock of how aggressive he was. It wasn’t even a contest of how creepy and stalkey he was.

She also said to stop calling it sexual assault because Trump didn’t say the words “sexual assault” in the tape.

see for me I feel I’m more sensitive to it ,because growing up I had it done to me a lot. This is coming from a guy btw (growing up short and skinny didn’t help) you know the stance, you know the feeling and the energy they throw when it’s happening. I picked up on it really quick, my bf (bearish 6'4" man) didn’t

That’s all that went through my mind when I was watching. The hovering enraged me. That’s such an intimidation tactic. It failed though.

A body language expert called it pre-physical assault behavior. Totally agree.

I’d imagine that men who spend time around Jez are outliers. In a good way of course! I had to explain to my dad what he was doing. He thought it was awkward but didn’t quite get the full impact of what he was doing. Spending time talking to women about these issues will definitely make you more sensitive but I can

I kept waiting for him to grab was seriously stressing me out.

I’m waiting on the #Trumpisrightbehindyou memes. No wait, #Trumphasyourback

Remember when Al Gore sighed and said something about the internet and how it helped to ruin his campaign? Or remember Mitt and his “binders of women” comment? How is it that Trump has managed to skate by and bounce back from much worse?

This shit for real raised my heart rate just watching it happen. Too many flashbacks to creepy men hovering and invading my personal space.