I’d be tempted to call social services. Just make sure you take screen shots of all of her fb posts before you call.
I’d be tempted to call social services. Just make sure you take screen shots of all of her fb posts before you call.
The official recommendation for cow’s milk is 12 months by the AAP. Yogurt is earlier because so much of the lactose gets eaten up by the bacteria in the process of becoming yogurt. Totally agree though didn’t see anything here that pinged other than the vaxes.
Not to be all Debbie Downer or anything, but if you are going to co-sleep with your baby you have to be extremely careful. A friend of my brother’s was co-sleeping with his infant son, and accidentally rolled over on him in his sleep and smothered the child. Everyone understood that it was a horrible, tragic accident…
It really depends on when they wean. If she does child-led weaning (very likely given what is described) then the baby won’t need cow milk. I mean we’re talking about a 6 month old infant. Nothing was said to make it sound at all that the woman intends to wean the baby now and not give it formula or milk. The only…
Whaaa? That’s insanity. I’m a total hippie but I also believe in science....so many things are wrong with that. I don’t care if you raise your kids vegetarian or vegan (although I think a professional should be consulted) heck even gluten free (even though it’s BS) but raw milk is dangerous as fuck, cod liver oil is…
Ah, your kid’s just a baby. From what I understand, it is good to build a healthy eating base when your kids are tiny- since they’re biologically primed to go for sweet stuff, it’s best to introduce them to savory stuff first, for example. In my case, the struggle over sugar went well beyond babyhood, and became a…
There is a challenge here. I have celiac disease and do not consume gluten. I do not currently have kids. When I do, they’re probably going to eat a lot of gluten free food. Because that’s what I cook, that’s what I eat, that’s what we mostly have in the house. Not any issue of forcing eating habits, but more being…
Oh, of course. I’m saying that it seemed odd to me to take a kid off of gluten when there was no intolerance. There is no reason for it. If someone in your house has celiac disease there is every reason to remove gluten from the house. We have a child with a severe peanut allergy and we don’t bring any peanut products…
Well, I do know many people obsessive about their weight and their diet, but an 11 month old covered in an untreated rash and unable to use his hands is being abused and grossly neglected. That indicates a pretty serious mental disturbance in the parents that requires some sort of 3rd party supervision. I include…
Raw milk should really only be used for making cheese (and not even all cheeses at that.) I’ve had my share of it when I worked on a farm as a teenager, you really should give your kids pasteurized milk though, it’s just as good and safer.
They should. She’s under feeding her kids. That’s neglect.
In fairness, if someone in the household actually has a gluten intolerance, that gets very difficult if there’s still gluten being eaten by other people in the house. My niece has Celiac’s, and we (children included) switched to gluten-free while she was with us just to make things safer for her. It’s easy enough to…
I’m a redhead so that diet would kill me.
Poland already has an extremely restrictive abortion policy, which means that a recent proposal for a total ban on…
Sennheiser Game Zero is actually surprisingly good. You’ll need a $15 adapter to use it with a console, but considering the headset is under $200 it’s a good deal.
Seperate mic, seperate headphone. Stop buying *gaming* headsets
Just get a separate mic and a *good* mid-range over-ear headphone like a Sennheiser, JBL, Sony, Beyerdynamic or Shure. “Gaming” headsets add a ton of cost for useless shitty electronics that give you worse sound.
Senneheiser Game One. Best headset I’ve ever owned, hands down. They have open back and closed back variants, as well.
But why can’t the standard lines focus on girls? LEGO used to market to boys and girls equally. They started to change that relatively recently.